Coronavirus - Szijjártó: Austria şi vecinii săi din Est au cooperat cu succes împreună
În cadrul conferinţei de presă a grupării informale numită Viena Cinci, Péter Szijjártó a declarat că valoarea schimburilor comerciale dintre Ungaria şi celelalte patru state s-a cifrat la 34,5 miliarde de euro. Aceasta reprezintă 16,6%din comerţul exterior al Ungariei.
Europa Centrală s-a apărat cu succes împotriva epidemiei de coronavirus, aşa că au decis să menţină co...
2020-07-14 16:22:15
Ţinutul Secuiesc ar dori înfrăţirea cu Tirolul de Sud din Italia
... joacă un rol important în menţinerea regiunii. După cum a precizat, în Tirolul de Sud, şi-au dat seama foarte devreme că dezvoltarea rurală trebuie să aibă prioritate, în acelaşi timp au cooperat întotdeauna şi au lucrat împreună. Fermele mici - cum sunt fermele din Tirolul de Sud - pot supravieţui doar dacă cooperează între ele, a subliniat europarlamentarul, care are la bază stu...
2018-12-07 21:42:14
Hibátlan levelet írt Toroczkai László Colleen Bellnek, az US
... over each other. The principle of sovereignty also states that all states are equal and all their relations must be based on the principle of mutuality.

I therefore ask you to cooperate with our administration and assist us in visiting the US-Mexico border to see — with the presence of the American authorities — the border protection system of the United Sta...
2016-08-03 18:24:02
Kína felsorakoztatja hajóit Szíriánál, az Oroszok mellett.
... welcome the Russian President's proposal on establishment of a common front in a fight against terrorism and are even ready in realizing this initiative to carry out joint operations and cooperate together," - said deputy foreign minister of Iran.

That Russia will fight terrorists with Iran's hands, English resources have been writing for a week. And the joining of Chin...
2015-09-26 14:44:45
Ez történt - Október 28.-án
... Nazi persecution of the Jews. The military Governor General Alexander Von Falkenhausen and his deputy Eggert Reeder, although unenthusiastic about Nazi racial policies, never the less cooperated with the Security office especially when it came to foreign born nationals.At their trial in 1951. although guilty of departing 25,000 Jews. They were sentenced to 12 years but ended up on...
2013-10-28 21:25:36
Ez történt - Szeptember 23.-án
... "stage a grave incident" as a warning. With this change in attitude, plus the protest against their actions, "the season" against the Irgun (Etzel) ended and the three groups began to cooperate in order to clandestinely bring in Jewish immigrants.

1945: The first American dies in Vietnam during the fall of Saigon to French forces.

1980. szeptember 23. Az am...
2013-09-23 11:00:10
Ez történt - Szeptember 21.-én
... and others viewed them as continuing pre-war communal work. There were 128 Judenrats in Nazi occupied Poland (or what was known as the General Government). Some heads of the Judenrats cooperated with the Nazis hoping to save the remainder. Others (about 40 of them) preferred to commit suicide rather than turn over Jews for deportation.

1939. szeptember 21. Romániában G...
2013-09-21 10:59:58
Ez történt - Augusztus 10.-én
... many Jews including Julius Martov, Raphael Abramowitz(Rein), and Fyodor Ilyich Dan (Gurvich). The two groups argued over organization and tactics with the Menshevicks believing it best to cooperate with liberals and wished to have a more "open" party. In general there were more Jews in the Mensheviks which better reflected Jewish liberalism and intellectuality. The congress refuse...
2013-08-10 07:50:04
Ez történt - Augusztus 4.-én
... many Jews including Julius Martov, Raphael Abramowitz(Rein), and Fyodor Ilyich Dan (Gurvich). The two groups argued over organization and tactics with the Menshevicks believing it best to cooperate with liberals and wished to have a more "open" party. In general there were more Jews in the Mensheviks which better reflected Jewish liberalism and intellectuality. The congress refuse...
2013-08-04 07:32:12
Ez történt - Augusztus 1.-én
... many Jews including Julius Martov, Raphael Abramowitz(Rein), and Fyodor Ilyich Dan (Gurvich). The two groups argued over organization and tactics with the Menshevicks believing it best to cooperate with liberals and wished to have a more "open" party. In general there were more Jews in the Mensheviks which better reflected Jewish liberalism and intellectuality. The congress refuse...
2013-08-01 07:40:28
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Címkék: Toroczkai László Colleen Bellnek, Viena Cinci, Péter Szijjártó, Europa Centrală, United Sta, Russian President, That Russia, Governor General Alexander Von Falkenhausen, Eggert Reeder, General Government, Romániában, Julius Martov, Raphael Abramowitz, Fyodor Ilyich Dan, grupării informale, subliniat europarlamentarul, common front, fight against, grave incident, felsorakoztatja, intellectuality, administration, unenthusiastic, clandestinely, establishment, organization, schimburilor, falkenhausen, dezvoltarea, coronavirus, menshevicks, deportation, authorities, sovereignty, persecution, cooperated, abramowitz, especially, liberalism, mensheviks, initiative, operations, terrorists, szeptember, immigrants, prioritate, continuing, government, romániában, ntotdeauna, comerciale, protection, believing, cooperate, alexander, augusztus, szijjártó, informale, remainder, principle, reflected, departing, preferred, reprezint, president, including, subliniat, celelalte, epidemiei, therefore, judenrats,
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