... guyde,

Out of her course doth wander far astray,

So I, whose star, that wont with her bright ray

Me to direct, with cloudes is over-cast,

Doe wander now in darknesse and dismay,

Through hidden perils round about me plast.

Yet hope I well that, when this storme is past,

My Helice*, the lodestar of ray lyfe...
2013-09-25 10:57:28

And ye high heavens, the temple of the gods,

In which a thousand torches flaming bright

Doe burne, that to us wretched earthly clods,

In dreadful darknesse lend desired light;

And all ye powers which in the same remayne,

More then we men can fayne,

Poure out your blessing on us plentiously,

2011-10-28 09:38:50
... But Night had couered her vncomely face

With a blacke veile, and held in hand a mace,

On top whereof the moon and stars were pight,

And sleep and darknesse round about did trace:

But Day did beare, vpon his scepters hight,

The goodly Sun, encompast all with beames bright.

Then came the Howres, f...
2011-09-03 10:58:46
Címkék: thousand torches, blacke veile, plentiously, encompast, darknesse, lodestar, wretched, blessing, thousand, scepters, vncomely, dreadful, torches, through, heavens, desired, whereof, couered, remayne, cloudes, flaming, earthly, temple, bright, helice, storme, hidden, perils, astray, wander, howres, beames, goodly, course, blacke, dismay, powers, direct, burne, beare, hight, pight, veile, clods, whose, night, about, fayne, poure, round, trace, sleep, which, light, stars, plast, guyde,
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