O româncă ce a condus pe contrasens pe şoseaua de centură a Budapestei a fost oprită de poliţie
... locul accidentului.
Mai mulţi poliţişti au încercat să oprească femeia, dar în cele din urmă, autoturismul acesteia s-a oprit ciocnindu-se de o maşină a poliţiei care purta semne distinctive. Accidentul nu s-a soldat cu vătămări corporale - se arată în comunicat.
Femeii i-a fost deschis dosar penal fiind suspectată de infracţiune contra siguranţei circulaţiei pe drumuril...
2019-12-31 12:31:35
CHRIS REA (Christopher Anton Rea), born 4 March 1951) is a great English singer-songwriter and guitarist, recognisable for his distinctive, husky voice. Rea ...
Hossz: 00:04:41
2018-06-04 08:56:45
Na még egy adag szépség . . .


2017-08-22 14:33:36
Jövendő Isten ősi népe számára
Római levél 11,23-24

,,Sőt azok is, ha meg nem maradnak a hitetlenségben, beoltatnak; mert az Isten ismét beolthatja őket. Mert ha te a természet szerint való vadolajfából kivágattál, és természet ellenére beoltattál a szelíd olajfába: mennyivel inkább beoltatnak ezek a természet szerint valók az ő saját olajfájukba!"

Talán nem nagy túlzás azt...
2016-08-23 20:09:29
Oscar-díj - 85 ezer dolláros ajándékcsomagokkal vigasztalódhatnak a díj nélkül maradt jelöltek
A Distinctive Assets 12 éve lepi meg a jelölteket a "Mindenki nyer az Oscar-jelölt ajándékcsomaggal" elnevezésű bőségszaruval. A kosárban idén már több mint ötven, 6 dollár és 16 ezer dollár közötti értékű ajándék kapott helyet.
Egyre több cég lát fantáziát a sztárok megajándékozásában, nemcsak azért, mert a csomag népszerű a hírességek körében, hanem azért is, mert az ...
2014-02-28 12:32:49
Ez történt - Szeptember 22.-én

*The archetypal brassy, bosomy, Brooklynesque bimbo with the highly distinctive scratchy voice, Barbara Nichols was born Barbara Nickeraeur in Queens, New York in 1929. The dame with the shapely frame began as a model and burlesque dancer, providing rather chee...
2013-09-22 00:33:52
Ez történt - Július 12.-én

She was known, especially later in her career, for her distinctive appearance, which reflected a studio-era ideal of glamor: massive black bouffant hair, heavy makeup with a slash of crimson lipstick, and f...
2013-07-12 09:25:02
Ez történt - Március 26. -án
Március 26.

1899 A.D. -- On March 26th the single 19-year-old seamstress, Agnes Kurza, was slaughtered by the hand of the Jewish butcher Leopold Hilsner. The corpse was found bloodless. The murderer was sentenced to death by the court of Kuttenberg.

1917 March 26, PRINCE G.E. LVOV (Russia)
The first Prime Minister (and minister of the Interior) in the p...
2013-03-26 08:03:55
Ez történt - Március 3. -án
... detested, she became one of the most glamorous women in Hollywood. Rex Harrison said of her, "I was struck by her extraordinary magnetism and directness," and noted that he liked her "distinctive quality of earthiness that never transcends to blatant sexiness." Her beauty made her a favorite pin-up, along with Betty Grable. She grew into a leading star who could adapt to any role....
2013-03-03 10:10:50
Ez történt - Február 19. -én

Her classy blonde looks, husky voice and unerring fashion sense gave her a distinctive style. In the 1940s she made fewer films, working in radio and theatre; shrewd in business, she invested wisely and started businesses marketing women's wear and cosmeti...
2013-02-19 08:50:02
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Címkék: CHRIS REA, SWEET SUMMER DAY, Jövendő Isten, Christopher Anton Rea, Distinctive Assets, Barbara Nichols, Barbara Nickeraeur, Agnes Kurza, Leopold Hilsner, PRINCE, Prime Minister, Betty Grable, fost oprită, adag szépség, poliţiei care, great English, természet szerint, szelíd olajfába, kosárban idén, csomag népszerű, hírességek körében, studio-era ideal, favorite pin-up, leading star, distinctive style, ajándékcsomaggal, hitetlenségben, bőségszaruval, brooklynesque, extraordinary, recognisable, vadolajfából, accidentului, autoturismul, olajfájukba, slaughtered, christopher, distinctive, especially, accidentul, elnevezésű, szeptember, budapestei, businesses, beoltattál, directness, jelölteket, transcends, appearance, earthiness, contrasens, seamstress, renditions, kivágattál, songwriter, nickeraeur, beoltatnak, kuttenberg, beolthatja, hírességek, archetypal, hollywood, providing, glamorous, fantáziát, bloodless, comunicat, sentenced, corporale, magnetism, guitarist,
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