Titkos adatgyűjtés - A szenátus megszavazta az NSA tevékenységének korlátozásáról szóló törvényt
... beterjesztett Freedom-törvénytervezet elnevezése ugyancsak betűszókból áll. A USA FREEDOM Act első két szava a Uniting and Strengthening America by Fulfilling Rights and Ending Eavesdropping, Dragnet-collection and Online Monitoring kifejezés rövidítése. Ez nagyjából azt jelenti, hogy "Amerika egyesítése és megerősítése a jogok valóra váltása, valamint a lehallgatás a tömeges adat...
2015-06-03 07:04:10
Ez történt - Október 5.-én
... On TV she played a fetching foil in a number of "Three Stooges" shorts (Joe Besser was the third Stooge at the time) and appeared in a few TV episodics, mostly crime stories, including "Dragnet" and "Perry Mason." Her film career ended dismally with the inane comedy "Cottonpickin' Chickenpickers" (1967), which pretty much says it a...
2013-10-05 10:30:28
Ez történt - Október 2.-án
... to Los Angeles. Shortly after that, she began appearing in movies. She graduated from the Hollywood Professional School in 1945.

In July 1947 she married actor Jack Webb (of Dragnet fame). Her widely regarded beauty and poise (she was a pinup girl prized by GIs during World War II) contrasted strongly with his pedestrian appearance and streetwise acting technique (much...
2013-10-02 08:40:15
Ez történt - Szeptember 29.-én
... "Cheyenne", "Bronco", "Perry Mason", and "The Addams Family".

By the mid 1960s, roles began to dry up for Merry Anders. She's signed by Jack Webb to be a semi-regular on the hit show "Dragnet 1967," where Webb insists on her changing from her usual platinum blonde to a less coiffured brunette. Webb starts showing up with her at the many civic engagements she routinely ...
2013-09-29 06:13:57
Ez történt - Július 23.-án
... including the cult classic "I Accuse My Parents" (which was later parodied on Mystery Science Theater 3000), "Waterfront at Midnight", "The Devil's Henchman", "The Abbott and Costello Show", "Dragnet", and "Studio One".

2013-07-23 08:44:30
Ez történt - Október 5.-én
Október 5.

1877. október 5. Vad Ló sziú főnök, (Ülő Bivaly oldalán) a Custer tábornok elleni Little Big Horn-i csata győztese megadja magát Crook tábornoknak, aki ellenfelét a Fort Robinsonba záratja, ahol meggyilkolják. Ülő Bivaly 1890. december 15-én vesztette életét abban a csetepatéban, amely hívei és a kormányzattal együttműködő indiánosztag tagjai között akkor robb...
2012-10-05 08:15:18
Ez történt - Október 2.-án
... to Los Angeles. Shortly after that, she began appearing in movies. She graduated from the Hollywood Professional School in 1945.

In July 1947 she married actor Jack Webb (of Dragnet fame). Her widely regarded beauty and poise (she was a pinup girl prized by GIs during World War II) contrasted strongly with his pedestrian appearance and streetwise acting technique (much...
2012-10-02 06:52:24
Ez történt - Szeptember 29.-én
... "Cheyenne", "Bronco", "Perry Mason", and "The Addams Family".

By the mid 1960s, roles began to dry up for Merry Anders. She's signed by Jack Webb to be a semi-regular on the hit show "Dragnet 1967," where Webb insists on her changing from her usual platinum blonde to a less coiffured brunette. Webb starts showing up with her at the many civic engagements she routinely ...
2012-09-29 06:45:45
Ez történt - Július 23.-án
... including the cult classic "I Accuse My Parents" (which was later parodied on Mystery Science Theater 3000), "Waterfront at Midnight", "The Devil's Henchman", "The Abbott and Costello Show", "Dragnet", and "Studio One".

2012-07-23 09:27:32
... surface seldom.

Then you come in with the tide's coming

When seas wash cold, foam-

Capped: white hair, white beard, far-flung,

A dragnet, rising, falling, as waves

Crest and trough. Miles long

Extend the radial sheaves

Of your spread hair, in which wrinkling skeins
2011-10-15 18:15:01
1 2 
Címkék: FREEDOM Act, Strengthening America, Fulfilling Rights, Ending Eavesdropping, Online Monitoring, Three Stooges, Perry Mason, Hollywood Professional School, Jack Webb, World War II, Addams Family, Merry Anders, Accuse My Parents, Mystery Science Theater, Costello Show, Studio One, Little Big Horn-i, Fort Robinsonba, szenátus megszavazta, jogok valóra, tömeges adat, fetching foil, pinup girl, less coiffured, kormányzattal együttműködő, törvénytervezet, tevékenységének, chickenpickers, korlátozásáról, meggyilkolják, eavesdropping, kormányzattal, beterjesztett, strengthening, megerősítése, csetepatéban, cottonpickin, együttműködő, professional, indiánosztag, tábornoknak, lehallgatás, engagements, betűszókból, adatgyűjtés, megszavazta, szeptember, streetwise, appearance, elnevezése, waterfront, ellenfelét, pedestrian, fulfilling, renditions, robinsonba, monitoring, rövidítése, egyesítése, contrasted, collection, photoshop, nagyjából, ugyancsak, coiffured, kifejezés, routinely, technique, appearing, vesztette, graduated,
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