Ez történt ma
... 1943

1942: German-Japanese-Italian military agreement signed in Berlin.

1942: The Red Army encircles several German divisions of the German II Corps at Demyansk near Lake Ilmen. German troops of Army Group B recapture Feodosiya and seal off the...
2014-01-18 22:40:15
Ez történt ma
... was mysterious at the time, but it now appears clear he was murdered by organized crime elements seeking to curry favor with the Mussolini regime.

1943: The Soviet Red Army encircles Stalingrad.

1943: The United States and Britain signed treaties relinquishing extraterritorial rights in China.

1943. január 11. Offenzívát indított a 40. szovjet h...
2014-01-11 23:17:41
Ez történt - Július 15.-én
... of the Arctic Ocean. The Germans lost only 5 planes and no U-boats.

1941: British MAUD report recommends low yield U-235 bombs by 1943.

1941: Army Group Centre encircles Smolensk, along with a large body of Russians to the west of the City.

1942: The Germans take Boguchar and Millerovo, less than 200 miles from Stalingrad. However, they have only...
2013-07-15 00:03:36
Ez történt - Február 18. -án
... Narva-Pleskau-Oposhka.

1945: British Empire casualties to November 1944 are announced as 282,162 killed, 80,580 missing, 386,374 wounded and 294,438 captured.

1945: The Red Army encircles Graudenz on the Vistula. Troops of the 11th SS Army are brought to a stand still by stiffening Soviet resistance to 'Operation Sonnenwende'.

1945: A Russian to...
2013-02-18 08:18:33
Ez történt - Február 14.-én

1945: The 1st Ukrainian Front encircles Breslau which has been declared a fortress under the command of Gauleiter Hanke.

1945: The siege of Budapest ends as the Soviets take the city. Only 785 ...
2013-02-14 09:53:36
Ez történt - Február 9.-én
... Colmar Pocket. Half the German Nineteenth Army were evacuated, but General De Lattre's forces have taken 22,000 German prisoners since the 20th January.

1945: The Red Army encircles Elbing and Posen.

Oldsmobile Ad - February 1945

2013-02-09 01:24:05
Ez történt - Január 18.-án

1942: German-Japanese-Italian military agreement signed in Berlin.

1942: The Red Army encircles several German divisions of the German II Corps at Demyansk near Lake Ilmen. German troops of Army Group B recapture Feodosiya and seal off the Soviet bridgehead at Kerch in the Crimea...
2013-01-18 06:16:51
Ez történt - Január 11.-én
... was mysterious at the time, but it now appears clear he was murdered by organized crime elements seeking to curry favor with the Mussolini regime.

1943: The Soviet Red Army encircles Stalingrad.

1943: The United States and Britain signed treaties relinquishing extraterritorial rights in China.

1943. január 11. Offenzívát indított a 40. szovjet ha...
2013-01-11 07:54:29
Ez történt - Július 15.-én
... of the Arctic Ocean. The Germans lost only 5 planes and no U-boats.

1941: British MAUD report recommends low yield U-235 bombs by 1943.

1941: Army Group Centre encircles Smolensk, along with a large body of Russians to the west of the City.

1942: The Germans take Boguchar and Millerovo, less than 200 miles from Stalingrad. However, they have only...
2012-07-15 07:07:48
Ez történt - Február 18. -án
... Narva-Pleskau-Oposhka.

1945: British Empire casualties to November 1944 are announced as 282,162 killed, 80,580 missing, 386,374 wounded and 294,438 captured.

1945: The Red Army encircles Graudenz on the Vistula. Troops of the 11th SS Army are brought to a stand still by stiffening Soviet resistance to 'Operation Sonnenwende'.

1945: A Russian to...
2012-02-18 05:47:03
1 2 
Címkék: German II Corps, Lake Ilmen, Army Group, Soviet Red Army, United States, Arctic Ocean, British MAUD, Army Group Centre, British Empire, Operation Sonnenwende, Ukrainian Front, Gauleiter Hanke, Colmar Pocket, German Nineteenth Army, General De Lattre, Oldsmobile Ad, large body, stand still, fortress under, extraterritorial, chevroletadjan, relinquishing, sonnenwende, imageshack, bridgehead, offenzívát, recommends, stalingrad, stiffening, mysterious, casualties, oldsmobile, resistance, renditions, nineteenth, feodosiya, divisions, recapture, gauleiter, agreement, encircles, operation, photoshop, ukrainian, organized, announced, millerovo, evacuated, mussolini, prisoners, japanese, demyansk, murdered, budapest, graudenz, captured, elements, smolensk, russians, military, november, declared, accounts, indított, boguchar, treaties, february, fortress, several, pleskau, missing,
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