Botos László: Még mindig - és meddig még -Trianon
... names, for example: Free Milk Association, Free Bread Association, Home for Handicapped Children, Pesti Lloyd Society, Hungarian Cobden Association, Rotary Club etc. These associations were founded exclusively by former Jewish Freemasons.

Naturally, the Jewish role in these organizations was no secret to the members of the Hungarian government but they handled it gr...
2017-05-09 20:43:17
Ez történt ma
... 1933 January 30, YOUTH ALIYAH (Berlin, Germany)
The previous year Recha Freier, a rabbi's wife decided it would be a good idea to send young people from Germany to kibbutzim. She founded the Juedische Jugendhilfe (Jewish Youth Help) organization to help facilitate the work. That same year it became a department of the World Zionist Organization under Henrietta Szold, whose ...
2014-01-30 18:31:32
Ez történt ma
... fight for equal rights. They looked upon their poorer brothers in Alsace-Lorraine with contempt.

1842 January 27, LONDON (England)
First English Reform synagogue was founded. It was known as the West London Synagogue for British Jews.

1885 January 27, - 1945 JEROME KERN (USA)
Songwriter. One of America's great composers of popular songs, Kern...
2014-01-27 20:41:06
Ez történt ma
... of the 7th Armoured Division up.

1942 January 23, UNITED PARTISANS ORGANIZATION (UPO) (Vilna, Lithuania)
Also known as the FPO (Fareynikte Partisaner Organisatsye) was founded in Vilna. It was the first organization which united the left-wing Zionists, the revisionists, the Bund and the communists. Its leaders included Isaac Wittenberg (communist), Abba Kovner (...
2014-01-23 23:22:05
Ez történt ma
... since in an unusual move the keys of the ghetto were given to the Jewish leaders.

1825 January 16, REFORMED SOCIETY OF ISRAELITES (Charleston, South Carolina, USA)
Was founded by forty seven members of the Kahal Kodesh Beth Elohim synagogue after their petition to institute "reform" was rejected. This marked the beginning of Reform Judaism in North America. The...
2014-01-16 21:40:44
Ez történt ma
... and music by Barry Manilow (after Mercer's death) -- from Manilow's 1984 album 2:00 AM Paradise Cafe, and discussed what an excellent musician Manilow was.

In 1999, Clooney founded the Rosemary Clooney Music Festival, held annually in Maysville, her hometown. She performed at the festival every year until her death. Proceeds benefit the restoration of the Russell Theat...
2014-01-15 22:37:00
Ez történt ma
... letételét a mintegy 1200 fős professzori testületből alig tucatnyian tagadták meg .

1935 January 11, HAKIBBUTZ HADATI (Eretz Israel)
The religious kibbutz movement was founded. This kibbutz movement was affiliated with the HaPoel HaMizrachi movement and the religious Zionist Labor Organization. Its idea was to combine religious life and labor in communal agricul...
2014-01-11 23:17:41
Ez történt ma
... Bouchet.

Moreover, Fenech launched her own fashion line and founded her own film production company Immagine e Cinema S.r.l. with her son Edwin (she co-produced the 2004 movie "The Merchant of Venice" as well as various Italian TV mini-series and made-for...
2014-01-08 22:00:58
Ez törtét ma
... Legend has it that he called upon representatives of the three religions to explain their religions - and chose Christianity.

1007 ROME (Italy)
The talmudic academy was founded under Jacob Gaon and the three leaders of the community: Moses Ha Nasi, Abraham, and Shabbtai. Jacob Gaon was succeeded by Rabbi Jechiel and then by his son R' Nathan (see 1035) author o...
2014-01-01 16:22:42
Ez történt - Október 24.-én
Was established by Jacob H. Schiff, Louis Marshall, and Felix Warburg. It soon combined (November 27) with the Central Relief Committee founded by Orthodox leaders and the People's Relief Committee representing labor into one organization - the American Joint Distribution Committee. It campaigned and distributed funds wherever Jews...
2013-10-24 19:26:57
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Címkék: Botos László, Free Milk Association, Free Bread Association, Handicapped Children, Pesti Lloyd Society, Hungarian Cobden Association, Rotary Club, Jewish Freemasons, YOUTH ALIYAH, Recha Freier, Juedische Jugendhilfe, Jewish Youth Help, World Zionist Organization, Henrietta Szold, First English Reform, West London Synagogue, British Jews, JEROME KERN, Armoured Division, UNITED PARTISANS ORGANIZATION, Fareynikte Partisaner Organisatsye, Isaac Wittenberg, Abba Kovner, REFORMED SOCIETY OF ISRAELITES, South Carolina, Kahal Kodesh Beth Elohim, Reform Judaism, North America, Barry Manilow, Paradise Cafe, Rosemary Clooney Music Festival, Russell Theat, HAKIBBUTZ HADATI, Eretz Israel, HaPoel HaMizrachi, Zionist Labor Organization, Cinema, Italian TV, Jacob Gaon, Moses Ha Nasi, Rabbi Jechiel, AMERICAN JEWISH RELIEF COMMITTEE, Jacob, Louis Marshall, Felix Warburg, Central Relief Committee, Relief Committee, American Joint Distribution Committee, good idea, mintegy 1200, representatives, organizations,
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