Sztáray Zoltán: A bukaresti titkos szerződés
... Monarchy. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1961.
Karolyi, Michael. Memoirs. Faith Without IlIusion. New York, E. P. Dutton & Co., 1957.
Lansing, Robert. The Peace Negotiations: A Personal Narrative. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1921.
Le Temps. 1919. február 3.
Lloyd George, David. The Truth about the Peace Treaties. London, Victor Gollancz, 1938.
2018-06-08 19:54:23
Botos László: Még mindig - és meddig még -Trianon
... enlightened intelligentsia of the world has recorded as a ,,Peace Dictate", and which is perhaps the most unjust dictate in the history of the world! Moreover, at the peace negotiations, the Hungarian delegation was not permitted to submit proofs in their defense, which is a fundamental condition of any treaty. During the process of negotiation, the representative of th...
2017-05-09 20:43:17
Szíria - Új rendezési menetrendet terjesztett elő Londonban a szíriai ellenzék
A Tárgyalási Főbizottság (High Negotiations Committee, HNC) nevű szerveződés Boris Johnson brit külügyminiszter meghívására Londonban tartott értekezletet. A HNC koordinátora, Rijád Hidzsáb a rendezvényen közölte: a menetrend alapján hat hónapi tárgyalási időszak következne Bassár el-Aszad szíriai elnök kormánya és az ellenzék között, és ebben az időszakban teljes tűzszünetet...
2016-09-07 14:12:14
Mondatok 1956-ból
... the Soviet Army units from Budapest as soon as this is recognized as necessary by the Hungarian Government. At the same time, the Soviet Government is ready to enter into relevant negotiations with the Government of the Hungarian People's Republic and other participants of the Warsaw Treaty on the question of the presence of Soviet troops on the territory of Hungary. " (a szovjet...
2014-10-24 20:14:42
Az ügynöklista és a rózsadombi paktum tel-avivban van??
... the Contracting Parties notify each other that their internal legal procedures for the entering into force of the amendment to the Agreement have been complied with.

(2) Negotiations about the amendment of the present Agreement shall be initiated within 60 days of the receipt of such notice, unless otherwise agreed upon between the Contracting Parties.

Done i...
2014-09-27 08:32:55
Ez történt ma
... az Ipoly túlpartjára.

1940: The Soviet Union reopens negotiations with Finland through Sweden and indicates that it may withdraw its support for Otto Kuusinen's puppet government should the Finns come to terms.

1940: The Finnish 9th Division l...
2014-01-29 21:04:34
Ez törtét ma
... New Year's order of the day to the German armed forces, promises "...completion, on the Western Front, of the greatest victory in our history...".

1941: Germany begins negotiations with Bulgaria to allow German troops to use Bulgaria as a springboard for their attack on Greece.

1942: The ‘United Nations' of 26 allied countries, sign a UN Declaration i...
2014-01-01 16:22:42
Ez történt - November 12.-én
... budapesti székházát és több fővárosi munkásotthont.

1939: Negotiations between Russia and Finland over territorial dispute reach deadlock.

1940: Colonel Burns again proposes a Canadian parachute force to the Chief of General Staff. The idea is sh...
2013-11-12 21:53:25
Dr. Eva Maria Barki petíciója Románia vezetőihez
... lighted watch-fires, which they used to do only in grave emergencies.

A conflict, destabilizing the whole region can only be prevented by the rapid commencement of concrete negotiations concerning the status of the Hungarian/Székely peoples.

Committee for Solidarity with Transylvania

Vienna, October 27, 2013

Responsible for the con...
2013-11-06 06:21:17
Ez történt - Szeptember 25.-én
... troops.

1944 September, Allied troops led by French General Jacques Leclerc march into Paris as the 5,000-strong German garrison surrenders.

1944 September, Finland enters secret negotiations with the Russians to agree a cease-fire.

1944 September, Russian 3rd Baltic Front reaches Tartu in Estonia. Romania declares war on Germany.

2013-09-25 07:45:12
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Címkék: Sztáray Zoltán, Botos László, Maria Barki, Chicago Press, Faith Without IlIusion, Peace Negotiations, Personal Narrative, Houghton Mifflin, Lloyd George, Peace Treaties, Victor Gollancz, Peace Dictate&#8221, Tárgyalási Főbizottság, High Negotiations Committee, Boris Johnson, Rijád Hidzsáb, Soviet Army, Hungarian Government, Soviet Government, Hungarian People, Warsaw Treaty, Contracting Parties, Soviet Union, Otto Kuusinen, Western Front, United Nations, Colonel Burns, General Staff, French General Jacques Leclerc, Baltic Front, bukaresti titkos, szíriai ellenzék, rózsadombi paktum, fundamental condition, rendezvényen közölte, menetrend alapján, ellenzék között, időszakban teljes, külügyminiszter, intelligentsia, representative, destabilizing, munkásotthont, negotiations, participants, commencement, értekezletet, koordinátora, rendezvényen, transylvania, springboard, tűzszünetet, fundamental, főbizottság, menetrendet, contracting, szerveződés, terjesztett, responsible, meghívására, túlpartjára, territorial,
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