Meeting with Altar Servers 2018-07-31
St. Peter's Square - Pope Francis meets with participants in the 12th International Pilgrimage of Altar Servers (30 July - 3 August 2018)

Videó ...
2018-08-01 13:28:13
2017-11-10 Audience of Pope Francis
Symposium on Disarmament
ONLY Int.Sound - From the Clementine Hall, Audience of Pope Francis with the participants in the International Symposium on Disarmament promoted by the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development
Szünet a leszerelésről
A Clementine Halltól, Francis pápa közönségétől a leszerelésről szóló nemzetközi szimpózium résztvevőivel, melyet az...
2017-11-10 13:53:16
Mondatok 1956-ból
... by the Hungarian Government. At the same time, the Soviet Government is ready to enter into relevant negotiations with the Government of the Hungarian People's Republic and other participants of the Warsaw Treaty on the question of the presence of Soviet troops on the territory of Hungary. " (a szovjet kormány, október 30.)

" The United States has made cl...
2014-10-24 20:14:42
Ez történt - November 12.-én
... Greece.

1940: Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov arrives in Berlin to discuss the mutual spheres of interest, especially regarding Finland. The talks show serious disagreements between the participants.

1942: The British 8th Army retakes Sollum and Bardia, while Panzer Army Afrika continues its withdrawal toward Tripoli.
RCA Victor Ad - November 1943
2013-11-12 21:53:25
Ez történt - Szeptember 28.-án
... prepared the way for their eventual welcoming of the Germans in June 1941. Around 1 million Jews were later killed in those areas, many of them by local special police who were active participants in their murder.

1940: 26th night attack in succession on L...
2013-09-28 06:39:49
Ez történt - Augusztus 3.-án
... vádjával koncepciós perben hozott ítélet alapján. (Vö. 1945. december 19.; 1946. január 3.)

1937 August 3 - 16, 20th ZIONIST CONGRESS
Under Weizmann and Ben G...
2013-08-03 06:23:34
The State of Israel - The First 25 Years
... international ties of Zionist financiers enable them to coordinate financial aid extended to the Israeli military by US millionaires and their opposite numbers in other countries. The participants in the three "conferences of millionaires" held in Israel after the "six day war" included:
- the British and French Rothschilds
- Charles Clore, the chairman or a...
2013-06-08 11:55:57
Negyed órát szán Magyarországra a Bilderberg-csoport
... hatalmat a Goldman Sachs képviseli, a sajtót a brit The Economist és a Financial Times szerkesztői. A teljes résztvevők listája ide kattintva tekinthető meg, magyarországit nem találunk köztük. (Korábban Martonyi János külügyminiszter, Surányi György volt jegybankelnök és Bokros Lajos volt pénzügyminiszter kapott...
2013-06-07 00:37:36
Ez történt - Március 28. -án
... Franyó Zoltán, Barta Lajos, Nagy Lajos, Szélpál Árpád, Győri Ernő és Aranyossy Pál tartozott.

1932 March 28, FIRST MACCABIAH GAMES (Eretz Israel)
Were held in Tel Aviv. Participants arrived from 21 countries. Március 28

1933: Nazis order a ban on all Jews in businesses, professions and schools.

1940: Dutch fighter shoots down British bomber...
2013-03-28 07:50:22
Ez történt - November 12.-én
... Greece.

1940: Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov arrives in Berlin to discuss the mutual spheres of interest, especially regarding Finland. The talks show serious disagreements between the participants.

1942: The British 8th Army retakes Sollum and Bardia, while Panzer Army Afrika continues its withdrawal toward Tripoli.
RCA Victor Ad - November 1943
2012-11-12 06:48:42
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Címkék: Altar Servers, Pope Francis, International Pilgrimage, ONLY Int, Clementine Hall, International Symposium, Promoting Integral Human Development, Clementine Halltól, Hungarian Government, Soviet Government, Hungarian People, Warsaw Treaty, United States, Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov, Panzer Army Afrika, Victor Ad, ZIONIST CONGRESS, Under Weizmann, French Rothschilds, Charles Clore, Goldman Sachs, Financial Times, Korábban Martonyi János, Surányi György, Bokros Lajos, Franyó Zoltán, Barta Lajos, Nagy Lajos, Szélpál Árpád, Győri Ernő, Aranyossy Pál, FIRST MACCABIAH GAMES, Eretz Israel, leszerelésről szóló, szovjet kormány, teljes résztvevők, pénzügyminiszter, külügyminiszter, magyarországit, magyarországra, résztvevőivel, international, disagreements, anonybulgaria, jegybankelnök, leszerelésről, közönségétől, participants, negotiations, millionaires, professions, disarmament, szerkesztői, rothschilds, development, conferences, government, szeptember, clementine, especially, résztvevők, withdrawal, pilgrimage,
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