Orbán în PE: Ungaria este condamnată pentru că maghiarii nu vor ţară de imigranţi
Acesta a afirmat: "resping ideea că forţele partizane imigraţiei ameninţă, şantajează şi calomniază Ungaria şi maghiarii".
Fiecare naţiune şi stat membru are dreptul de a decide în ce mod îşi organizează propria viaţă în propria ţară. "Noi ne apărăm graniţele şi doar noi vom decide cu cine convieţuim. Am construit un gard şi am oprit sutele de mii de imigranţi ilegali. A...
2018-09-11 19:43:17
Bella ciao
Eljött a hajnal, elébe mentem,
Ó Bella ciao, Bella ciao, Bella ciao ciao ciao.
Eljött a hajnal elébe mentem,
És rám talált a megszálló.

Ha partizán vagy, vigyél el innen,
Ó Bella ciao, Bella ciao, Bella ciao ciao ciao.
Ha partizán vagy,vigyél el innen,
Mert ma érzem meghalok.

Ha meghalok majd, mint annyi társam,
Ó Be...
2015-07-26 15:01:04
Ez történt - Július 16.-án
... (Vilna, Lithuania)
Ended with Yitzhak Wittenberg, head of the FPO (the various political organizations in the ghetto created a unified fighting organization, F.P.O. (Fareynigte Partizaner Organizatsye), surrendering in the Vilna Ghetto. A week earlier, Wittenberg had been fingered by two members of the Vilna Communist Committee (outside the ghetto) as their Jewish contact. W...
2013-07-16 08:12:40
Ez történt - Július 16.-án
... (Vilna, Lithuania)
Ended with Yitzhak Wittenberg, head of the FPO (the various political organizations in the ghetto created a unified fighting organization, F.P.O. (Fareynigte Partizaner Organizatsye), surrendering in the Vilna Ghetto. A week earlier, Wittenberg had been fingered by two members of the Vilna Communist Committee (outside the ghetto) as their Jewish contact. W...
2012-07-16 10:42:51
Ez történt - Július 16.-én
... (Vilna, Lithuania)
Ended with Yitzhak Wittenberg, head of the FPO (the various political organizations in the ghetto created a unified fighting organization, F.P.O. (Fareynigte Partizaner Organizatsye), surrendering in the Vilna Ghetto. A week earlier, Wittenberg had been fingered by two members of the Vilna Communist Committee (outside the ghetto) as their Jewish contact. ...
2011-07-16 07:07:51
Címkék: Yitzhak Wittenberg, Fareynigte Partizaner Organizatsye, Vilna Ghetto, Vilna Communist Committee, hajnal elébe, unified fighting, week earlier, organizations, organization, surrendering, organizatsye, wittenberg, fareynigte, partizaner, organizeaz, political, lithuania, communist, committee, partizane, maghiarii, construit, calomniaz, megszálló, condamnat, antajeaz, fighting, fingered, partizán, meghalok, történt, propria, contact, outside, unified, yitzhak, imigran, ilegali, various, earlier, ungaria, created, members, afirmat, resping, dreptul, fiecare, ghetto, vigyél, hajnal, mentem, talált, jewish, társam, eljött, július, convie, sutele, pentru, decide, amenin, imigra, acesta, membru, their, annyi, vilna, ended, érzem, innen, orbán,
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