
2018-10-16 19:10:17
25 gyönyörű hely Ausztráliában
... állam

A tizenkét apostol, Port Campbell Nemzeti Park

Remarkable szikla, Kangaroo-sziget, Dél-Ausztrália

2017-09-18 21:27:03
... feeble-minded:

He was only harmless.


Well then, harmless.


He was very clever at repairing clocks;

And he had a remarkable sense of hearing --

The only man I ever met who could hear the

cry of bats.


Hear the cry of bats?


He c...
2013-10-04 19:24:05
... heard in Quebec County. Chapman says (Handbook of
Birds of Eastern North America) "it is most at home in secluded
woodland and thickety retreats. . . . Its notes are not remarkable
for variety or volume, but in purity and sweetness of tone and
exquisite modulation they are unequalled." Its "water-dripping song"
is justly celebrated.

360. ...
2013-09-30 16:09:04
Ez történt - Június 12.-én
... who helped future President of the United States Ronald Reagan get his first big break in film, actress Joy Hodges proved a formidable talent of stage and screen who also possessed a remarkable singing voice.

After making an impression in such films as "To...
2013-06-12 09:45:57
Ez történt - Május 16.-án
... Story" (1959) opposite James Stewart, "Back Street" (1961) opposite Susan Hayward and John Gavin and "Sergeant Ryker" (1968) opposite Lee Marvin, as well as showing her consistently remarkable and versatile talent on dozens of popular television movies and series including "Alfred Hitchcock Presents," "The Twilight Zone,". "The Outer Limits," "The Fugitive," "My Three Sons," "Bona...
2013-05-16 08:18:19
Remarkable Rocks, Flinders Chase Nemzeti Park (11 kép).
Flinders Chase Nemzeti Park a kontinenstől délre, az Indiai Óceánban levő Kenguru szigeten található Dél-Ausztráliában. Ez a mindössze 4360 négyzetkilométer nagyságú sziget a Szent Vince öböllel szemben van, Adelaidetól 150 km-re. Az 1919-ben védetté nyilvánított terület 546 négyzetkilométert foglal magába és itt még szinte érintetlenül megtalálható és tanulmányozható Ausztrália er...
2013-04-22 20:37:48
Ez történt - December 28.-án
... Bing Crosby short.

The choreographer on the Eddie Cantor film was Busby Berkeley who would later hire her for a choice, albeit unbilled, role in "42nd Street" (1933). Her remarkable beauty was not just in the movies; off camera, she lured to her door many a celebrated suitor (Mauric place in Hollywood history as one of the original Goldwyn Girls, billed as the girl "wi...
2012-12-28 05:26:38
Hohe Tauern Nemzeti Park Ausztriában
Matteo Walch barátság ápol egy mormota csoporttal
az osztrák Alpokban

2012-12-14 20:44:49
Thomas Kinkade Heart Health Awarenees
... Painting Rose Gate in Coastal Bronze Frame Classic 20 X 24 Hand Painted Canvas Art
$117 Frame Details: 4.5 bronze finish with step stone pattern. 29 X 33 (Exterior Dimensions) This remarkable oil painting bears a strong resemblance to a Thomas Kinkade masterpiece Rose Gate. The exceptional use of color detail and brush strokes accentuate the beauty of this piece. The delightf...
2012-06-22 16:04:47
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Címkék: Remarkable Rocks, Flinders Chase Nemzeti Park, Hohe Tauern Nemzeti Park Ausztriában, Thomas Kinkade Heart Health Awarenees, Port Campbell Nemzeti Park, Eastern North America, United States Ronald Reagan, James Stewart, Back Street, Susan Hayward, John Gavin, Sergeant Ryker, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, Three Sons, Indiai Óceánban, Szent Vince, Bing Crosby, Eddie Cantor, Busby Berkeley, Goldwyn Girls, Matteo Walch, Painting Rose Gate, Coastal Bronze Frame Classic, Hand Painted Canvas Art, Frame Details, Exterior Dimensions, Thomas Kinkade, Rose Gate, tizenkét apostol, remarkable sense, formidable talent, remarkable singing, kontinenstől délre, mindössze 4360, 1919-ben védetté, celebrated suitor, osztrák Alpokban, strong resemblance, négyzetkilométer, tanulmányozható, ausztráliában, choreographer, nyilvánított, érintetlenül, consistently, megtalálható, kontinenstől, ausztriában, masterpiece, exceptional, remarkables, adelaidetól, resemblance, celebrated, remarkable, formidable,
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