01 January 2021 Holy Mass for the Solemnity of Mary Mother
...01 January 2021 Holy Mass for the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God

Videó ...
2021-01-01 12:39:44
Ferenc pápa üzenetei június 29-én
... ünnepeinken, hogy együtt haladjunk a célhoz vezető úton, melyet az Úr jelölt ki számunkra: a teljes egység felé.

Magyar Kurír

- June 29 2020 Holy Mass on the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul Apostles Pope Francis
Ferenc pápa ünnepi szentmiséje Péter és Pál apostolok tiszteletére Videó
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2020-06-29 21:03:21
Vatican Újévi szentmise 2019.01.01
Pope Francis Holy Mass for the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God 2019-01-01
Ferenc pápa a Szent Mária Isten anyja ünnepélyes ünnepe 2019-01-01

From St. Peter's Basilica, Holy Mass presided by Pope Francis on the occasion of the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God and World Day for Peace
Szent Péter-bazilikából, Ferenc pápa által vezetett Szenttörténetről Mária...
2019-01-02 11:27:17
Szent Mise a Boldogságos Szűz Mária felemelkedésének........
Holy Mass on Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary, from Basilika St. Anna, Altötting 15 August 2018
Holy Mass on the Solemnity of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, from the Basilika St. Anna, Altötting, Bavaria, Germany. Presided by Bishop Stefan Oster, S.D.B., Bishop of Passau.

Szent Mise a Mária-vőlegény ünnepélyességéről, a Szent Anna Bazilikától, Altöttingtő...
2018-08-17 10:00:43
antum Ergo and Benediction with Sanctissimum on Corpus ....
... Christi with Pope Francis 3 June 2018
hanting of the Tantum Ergo, followed by Benediction with the Most Blessed Sacrament, at the Conclusion of the Eucharistic Procession on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, the Body and Blood of Christ, from Ostia, Rome, led by Pope Francis.

Tantum Ergo és Benediktus a Sanctissimum a Corpus Christi és Pope Francis 2018. június 3...
2018-06-08 00:28:39
Ziua Solidarităţii Naţionale - Árpád János Potápi: credinţa în solidaritate a menţinut comunităţile maghiare
Cu ocazia solemnităţilor organizate de Ziua Solidarităţii Naţionale, Árpád János Potápi a accentuat: mesajul care dă cele mai multe speranţe în această zi este că în pofida asupririi, a privării de drepturi şi a deceniilor de separare, maghiari trăiesc şi astăzi dincolo de graniţele Ungariei. Cuvinte maghiare se rostesc la Braşov, la Kosice, la Novi Sad şi la Mukacevo, ba chi...
2018-06-04 14:59:52
Easter Sunday from San Giovanni Rotondo 1 Apri 2018
Holy Mass of the Evening, on the Solemnity of Easter, from the Pilgrimage Church of St. Pio of Pietrelcina, San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia, Italy.

Az este szentmise, a húsvét ünnepléséről Szent Pio Pietrelcina Zarándoklány templomából, San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia, Olaszország....
2018-04-02 17:00:18
Easter Sunday from Cologne Cathedral 1 April 2018

Holy Mass on the Solemnity of Easter Sunday, from the Kölner Dom, the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Mary, Cologne, Germany. Presided by Rainer Maria Cardinal Woelki, Metropolitan Archbishop of Cologne.

Szent Mise a húsvét vasárnapi ünnepségéről, a Köln-dómtól, a Szent Székesegyháztól. Péter és Mária, Köln, Németor...
2018-04-02 16:57:44
Holy Mass of Palm Sunday at the Manila Cathedral | 25 March
Holy Mass of Palm Sunday at the Manila Cathedral | 25 March 2018
Holy Mass on the Solemnity of Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion, with the Blessing of the Palms and Procession, from the Minor Basilica and Metropolitan Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Manila, Philippines. Presided by Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, Archbishop of Manila

A Palm Sunday vasárna...
2018-03-26 18:49:05
Holy Mass on Palm Sunday, with Pope Francis 25 March 2018
Holy Mass on Palm Sunday, with Pope Francis 25 March 2018
Holy Mass on the Solemnity of Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion and the XXXIII World Youth Day, with the Blessing of the Palms and Procession, from St. Peter's Square, Vatican City. Presided by Pope Francis.
2018-03-26 18:43:52
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Címkék: Holy Mass, Mary Mother, Vatican Újévi, Szent Mise, Boldogságos Szűz Mária, Ziua Solidarităţii Naţionale, Árpád János Potápi, Easter Sunday, Giovanni Rotondo, Cologne Cathedral, Palm Sunday, Manila Cathedral, Pope Francis, Magyar Kurír, Paul Apostles Pope Francis, Pope Francis Holy Mass, Szent Mária Isten, From St, World Day, Szent Péter-bazilikából, Szenttörténetről Mária, Basilika St, Blessed Virgin Mary, Bishop Stefan Oster, Szent Anna Bazilikától, Tantum Ergo, Most Blessed Sacrament, Eucharistic Procession, Corpus Christi, Novi Sad, Pilgrimage Church, Szent Pio Pietrelcina Zarándoklány, Kölner Dom, Rainer Maria Cardinal Woelki, Metropolitan Archbishop, Szent Székesegyháztól, Minor Basilica, Metropolitan Cathedral, Immaculate Conception, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, XXXIII World Youth Day, Vatican City, menţinut comunităţile, célhoz vezető, teljes egység, este szentmise, húsvét ünnepléséről, húsvét vasárnapi, szenttörténetről, felemelkedésének, székesegyháztól, solidaritate, sanctissimum,
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