... Eldorado
Exilia - Underdog
Celldweller - One Good Reason
Lost Prophets - Burn Burn
Immediate music - Naked prey
Juno Reactor - Teahouse
Alan Silvestri - Useless crucifix
UT2K4 OST - Skyscraper
UT2K4 OST - From below V2
Celldweller - Own Little World (Remorse Code Remix)
Seether - Remedy
Soilwork - Distorti...
2019-01-18 11:29:04

"Amíg nem ürül ki a lelked mindattól, ami kínoz téged,
nem tudod megtölteni mindazzal, ami boldoggá tesz."

2018-02-13 20:09:48
... idejöjjön...
és tanulásra nyissa kapuját.
/Léria Dipán/

"Az álmodozásnál csak egy fontosabb van... az álom valóra váltása."
/Léria Dipán/
2017-02-05 17:33:31
Így mondja az angol
... solve

Kopár helyen kereskedel
Borsót hánysz a falra
You try to trade at a deserted place

Kopaszt borotvál
Borsót hány a falra
He shaves a bald head
A useless action

Aki korpa közé keveredik, megeszik a disznók
He who mixes with the bran, will be eaten by the pigs

Addig jár a korsó a kútra, míg el nem törik...
2016-08-25 16:36:00
Amerikai kutatók felfedezték
... is.

Forrás: 2412_Cut-Poison-Burn-A-Must-See-Docu mentary-Illuminating-The-Truth-About -Cancer-Treatment.shtml m/chemotherapy-useless.html DA-effectively-declare-that-chemothe rapy-is-ineffective
2015-02-14 17:56:07
Amerikai kutatók felfedezték, hogy a kemoterápia ténylegesen
... is.
Forrás: 2412_Cut-Poison-Burn-A-Must-See-Docu mentary-Illuminating-The-Truth-About -Cancer-Treatment.shtml m/chemotherapy-useless.html DA-effectively-declare-that-chemothe rapy-is-ineffective /2008/04/080422103947....
2015-02-10 08:10:34
... quiet-voiced elders,

Bequeathing us merely a receipt for deceit?

The serenity only a deliberate hebetude,

The wisdom only the knowledge of dead secrets

Useless in the darkness into which they peered

Or from which they turned their eyes. There is, it seems to us,

At best, only a limited value

In the knowle...
2013-10-06 13:28:00
... stairs and turn the handle of the door

And feel as if I had mounted on my hands and knees.

"And so you are going abroad; and when do you return?

But that's a useless question.

You hardly know when you are coming back,

You will find so much to learn."

My smile falls heavily among the bric-à-brac.

2013-10-05 15:53:14
... finds a Treaty's gone astray,

Or the Admiralty lose some plans and drawings by the way,

There may be a scap of paper in the hall or on the stair--

But it's useless of investigate--Macavity's not there!

And when the loss has been disclosed, the Secret Service say:

"It must have been Macavity!"--but he's a mile away.

2013-10-03 17:39:59
Ez történt - Június 29.-én
Június 29.

1494 June 29, JOHN I (Poland)
A fire broke out, destroying part of the city of Cracow. The Jews were accused of setting the fire and attacked. King John ordered them to leave the city and move to the "suburb" of Kazimierz, which became the first Polish ghetto. Jews were confined to the ghetto until 1868.

1654 June 29, CUENCA (Spain)
57 ...
2013-06-29 01:10:00
1 2 3 4 5 6 
Címkék: Good Reason, Lost Prophets, Burn Burn, UT2K4 OST, Juno Reactor, Alan Silvestri, Little World, Remorse Code Remix, Léria Dipán, Secret Service, JOHN, King John, kemoterápia ténylegesen, lelked mindattól, álmodozásnál csak, álom valóra, deserted place, bald head, useless action, deliberate hebetude, limited value, useless question, mile away, fire broke, preventdisease, illuminating, chemotherapy, sciencedaily, álmodozásnál, documentary, celldweller, ténylegesen, kemoterápia, nextermedia, felfedezték, effectively, investigate, ineffective, bequeathing, skyscraper, deliberate, cloudinary, megtölteni, destroying, gondolatok, kereskedel, gabworthy, keveredik, treatment, kazimierz, disclosed, mindattól, idejöjjön, tanulásra, mindazzal, knowledge, immediate, admiralty, fontosabb, silvestri, darkness, amerikai, macavity, gondolat, teahouse, question, serenity, boldoggá, eldorado, confined, underdog,
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