v. Gorka Pál és fia Sebestyén, Horthy Miklós, az Igazság és
... a kampányban Trump oldalán. Az új elnök beiktatásának napján bocskai-viseletben, vitézi jelvénnyel nyilatkozott az amerikai jobboldali Fox News tv-csatornának. President Donald Trump appointed v. Dr. Sebastian Gorka to be his deputy assistant. Vagyis Trump elnök magához vette tanácsadónak. Erre kitört a háború.

A magyarul beszélő idegenek Lili Bayer-rel az élen elkezdt...
2017-05-27 21:19:01
Ez történt ma
... Bloom was born into a poor Orthodox family yet succeeded in amassing a small fortune enabling him to retire early and enter politics. Bloom was a strong supporter of Roosevelt and was appointed as Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee at the beginning of the war. Although he made an effort to increase the number of Jews allowed into the United States, he did little to antagoni...
2014-01-30 18:31:32
Ez történt ma
Január 29.

953 MU'IZZ (Sicily)
The Fatimite conqueror of Sicily, appointed Paltiel as his Vizier and physician. Paltiel was in charge of provisioning the army during Mu'izz's conquest of Egypt. Paltiel was a generous man and shared his wealth with many Jewish communities. His son Samuel brought his body to Jerusalem for burial.

993. január 29. Az els...
2014-01-29 21:04:34
Ez történt ma
... Division advances to Wadi Faregh and swings north towards Agedabia, brushing aside the attempts by the 1st Armoured Division to stop them.

1942: General Joseph W. Stillwell is appointed as Chief of Staff to Chiang Kai-shek.

1942: First Japanese bombing of New Guinea.

Consolidated Aircraft Ad - January 1943

2014-01-21 21:54:20
Ez történt ma
Január 20.

337 - 361 CONSTANTIUS (Roman Empire)
Son of Constantine. Weaker than his father Constantine, he relied on his Church advisors and began a series of anti-Jewish decrees banning Jewish pilgrimages to Jerusalem, the circumcising of Christian or Pagan slaves, and protecting Jewish converts to Christianity.

1008 CALIPH HAKIM (Egypt)
The ...
2014-01-20 22:11:16
Ez történt ma
... joined with other world Jewish organizations to form the Comite des Delegation Juives with Julian Mack and then Louis Marshal as chairmen. Dr. Leo Motzkin, Zionist and publicist, was appointed secretary. They succeeded in passing a plan ensuring the right for minorities to establish their own schools and speak their own languages, while retaining full citizenship.

2014-01-12 22:09:12
Ez történt ma
... Italians.

1942: The Red Army captures Kaluga to the southwest of Moscow.

1942: Japanese aircraft attack Rabaul in the Bismarck Archipelago.

1942: Chiang Kai-shek is appointed as Supreme allied commander in China.

Crosley Ad - January 1943

2014-01-04 22:38:51
Ez törtét ma
... Vorposten which blamed Germany's defeat on the Jews. The German Protocols was reprinted five times in 1920 alone.

1933 January 1, HINDENBURG RESIGNED (Germany)
Hitler was appointed chancellor of the Reich on Jan 30th.

*1937: At a party at the Hormel Mansion in Minnesota, a guest wins $100 for naming a new canned meat--Spam.

1939 January...
2014-01-01 16:22:42
Ez történt - Október 31.-én
... Hans Hedtoft (later Prime Minister) who in turn had been warned by Georg Duckwitz, an attache to the German Merchant Marine. Thus began one of the heroic stories of the Holocaust. On the appointed day, which was also the first day of Rosh Hashanah, the raid took place.
During the next few weeks, over 7000 Danish Jews were hidden and smuggled to Sweden which had promised refug...
2013-10-31 22:44:16
Ez történt - Október 10.-én
... Warsaw, Lublin, Radom, and Cracow. Eventually Galicia was added as well, with a total Jewish population of over 2 million. Hans Frank (1900-1946), a veteran Nazi politician and lawyer, was appointed governor general. Frank initiated and instituted the anti-Jewish decrees in occupied Poland and was responsible for encouraging the mass murder of Polish Jewry. He was later convicted ...
2013-10-10 09:16:56
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Címkék: Gorka Pál, Horthy Miklós, President Donald Trump, Sebastian Gorka, Vagyis Trump, Lili Bayer-rel, Foreign Affairs Committee, United States, Wadi Faregh, Armoured Division, General Joseph, Chiang Kai-shek, First Japanese, Consolidated Aircraft Ad, Roman Empire, CALIPH HAKIM, Delegation Juives, Julian Mack, Louis Marshal, Bismarck Archipelago, Crosley Ad, German Protocols, HINDENBURG RESIGNED, Hormel Mansion, Hans Hedtoft, Prime Minister, Georg Duckwitz, German Merchant Marine, Rosh Hashanah, Danish Jews, Eventually Galicia, Hans Frank, Polish Jewry, kampányban Trump, amerikai jobboldali, magyarul beszélő, élen elkezdt, poor Orthodox, small fortune, strong supporter, plan ensuring, guest wins, total Jewish, veteran Nazi, beiktatásának, organizations, consolidated, christianity, tanácsadónak, provisioning, nyilatkozott, circumcising, constantine, citizenship, pilgrimages, responsible, csatornának, encouraging, constantius, communities, archipelago, chancellor, kampányban, viseletben, protecting, minorities, instituted,
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