Heavy Metal
... Desire SUwR1wk" >target="_blank"
Hellanbach - Kick It Out 4zkAfy0" >target="_blank"
Hellanbach - Beaten To The Bone 4G05wG8" >target="_blank"
Hellanbach - When All Is Said And Done
2019-02-21 16:41:35
Így mondja az angol
... bele
He who digs a pit for the horse of another man, will find his
own horse's neck broken there

Azt a lovat ütik, amelyik jobban húz
The horse that draws better is beaten

A lovát keresi s rajta ül
He tries to find his horse and is riding it

Kilóg a lóláb
The horse's leg protrudes
The concealed real intention comes to ...
2016-08-25 16:36:00
William Shakespeare XXXIV. szonett
... cloak,
To let base clouds o'ertake me in my way,
Hiding thy bravery in their rotten smoke?
'Tis not enough that through the cloud thou break,
To dry the rain on my storm-beaten face,
For no man well of such a salve can speak,
That heals the wound, and cures not the disgrace:
Nor can thy shame give physic to my grief;
Though thou repent, yet ...
2015-10-16 15:17:40
Vetráb József Kadocsa : Az igazság a tatárjárásról
... Nogai and Talabuga Khan invaded Hungary with Mongol and Cuman troops, but unlike Subutai forty years earlier, tthheeyy wweerree ddeeffeeaatteedd.. The Mongols ravaged Transylvania, but were beaten by the Hungarian royal army under Ladislaus IV of Hungary near Pest, and the retreating Mongol forces were ambushed by the Szekely.[3] Nogai and Talabuga made a third raid against Poland...
2015-01-09 21:56:51
Három zsidó szélsőséges bevallotta a palesztin tinédzser meggyilkolását
... akiket a tüntetések alatt őrizetbe vette...
2014-07-07 19:35:04
Ez törtét ma
... Jews to emigrate. This resulted in massive immigration to the west. Alexander himself commented upon hearing about the pogroms "And I, to admit the truth , am glad when the Jews are being beaten".

1892. január 1. Megnyitja kapuit az Egyesült Államok bevándorlási állomásaként működő Ellis Island, hogy Charles B. Davenport biológus és az eugenikus doktrína megalkotója, ...
2014-01-01 16:22:42
Ez történt - Szeptember 21.-én
... bottle. From 1955 to 1963 there were various brushes with the law - among them passing bad checks, public drunkenness and, ultimately, prostitution. She was forced to sleep on bus benches, was beaten and bruised by her tricks, and lost teeth in the process. In 1967, after failed efforts to curb her drinking, she finally moved in with her parents in San Diego to try to dry out. It ...
2013-09-21 10:59:58
Ez történt - Szeptember 8.-án

1941: Leningrad is now completely surrounded after German troops close the land bridge at Schluesselburg. The Russians announce gains near Smolensk and claim eight German divisions have been beaten. (WATCH GERMAN NEWSREEL)

1942: Twelve British merchant seamen are awarded Russian decorations.

1942. szeptember 8. Az Armia Krajowa lengyel ellenálló...
2013-09-08 00:11:02
Ez történt - Augusztus 30.-án
... advance on foot, in order to get across the Meuse river.

1944: Canadian Armored forces with the British 8th Army attack west of Pesaro. Without supporting artillery, they are beaten back by the Germans, who destroy or badly damage 32 of the 50 tanks engaged in the attack. German troops withdraw from Bulgaria.

1944: Ploesti, the center of the Romanian oil in...
2013-08-30 10:13:14
Ez történt - Augusztus 8.-án

1942: U.S. Marines take the unfinished airfield on Guadalcanal and name it Henderson Field after Maj. Lofton Henderson, a hero of Midway.

1942: Japanese naval counter-attack beaten off in Solomon Islands.

1943: A Royal decree places Italy under a state of siege.

Buick Ad - August 1944

2013-08-08 08:20:43
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Címkék: Heavy Metal, William Shakespeare XXXIV, Vetráb József Kadocsa, Kick It Out, Beaten To The Bone, When All Is Said And Done, Talabuga Khan, Ladislaus IV, Egyesült Államok, Ellis Island, Charles, WATCH GERMAN NEWSREEL, Twelve British, Armia Krajowa, Canadian Armored, Henderson Field, Lofton Henderson, Solomon Islands, Buick Ad, palesztin tinédzser, lovat ütik, lovát keresi, third raid, tüntetések alatt, eugenikus doktrína, ddeeffeeaatteedd, schluesselburg, meggyilkolását, tatárjárásról, állomásaként, bevándorlási, transylvania, prostitution, szélsőséges, shakespeare, guadalcanal, immigration, decorations, drunkenness, megalkotója, szeptember, retreating, bevallotta, ultimately, hellanbach, surrounded, tüntetések, completely, supporting, unfinished, artillery, megnyitja, protrudes, davenport, augusztus, divisions, tinédzser, palesztin, henderson, concealed, intention, alexander, ladislaus, photoshop, hungarian, commented, leningrad, ellenálló, eugenikus, egyesült, merchant,
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