Krónika: Sprijinirea minorităţii germane de către Germania nu provoacă resentimente în România
... natal. În acelaşi timp trebuie să avem în vedere faptul că mulţi angajaţi de naţionalitate săsească lucrează la firme ale întreprinzătorilor români. În cazul în care aceste societăţi candidate corespund condiţiilor de sprijin cerute de fundaţie, întreprinderea poate beneficia de finanţare", a explicat directorul executiv.În opinia sa, în urma scăderii de mari proporţii a populaţie...
2020-06-12 15:13:09
Velencei filmfesztivál - Roman Polanski és Steven Soderbergh filmjei is szerepelnek a versenyprogramban
... filmalkotás között lesz Todd Phillips Jokere, Roy Andersson About Endlessness című drámája, Olivier Assayas thrillerje, a Wasp Network, Haifa al-Manszúr szaúdi filmrendező The Perfect Candidate című filmje és Shannon Murphy Babyteeth című alkotása - adta hírül a The Hollywood Reporter című filmes portál.
A Netflix streamingszolgáltató idén Noah Baumbach Marriage Story című dr...
2019-07-25 22:02:18
... amelynek a neve "Operation SPELLBINDER" volt. Az elnevezés a kulcsszavakkal való irányításra utal. A SPELLBINDER célja az volt, hogy olyan "alvó" ügynököket képezzenek ki ("Manchurian candidates"), akik bizonyos kulcsszavak vagy szófordulatok útján aktivizálhatók egy ún. poszt-hipnotikus transzállapot után, azaz hipnózis utáni önkívületi állapotot követően. Az "Operation OFTEN" cí...
2019-01-17 09:49:31
v. Gorka Sebestyén felmondólevele
... greatest on God's Earth. If it were not so, we could not have survived through the unbelievably divisive years of the Obama Administration, nor witness your message to roundly defeat a candidate who significantly outspent you and had the Fakenews Industrial Complex 100% on her side.
Nevertheless, given recent events, it is clear to me that forces that do not support the...
2017-09-04 21:09:37
“Trump a fehér ember utolsó reménye” – els
“Trump a fehér ember utolsó reménye" - elszólta magát a Die Welt

Lovas István2016. november 7

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally, Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2016, in Panama City, Fla. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)


Trump a fehér ember utolsó reménye - címmel (amelyhez hasonl...
2016-11-09 09:34:38
A magyar származású Zoltán István a Transzhumanista Párt színeiben indul az amerikai elnökválasztáson
... volna ellenére az sem,...
2015-12-01 21:43:14
Robert Redford
... A nagy balhé
The Way We Were.......... Ilyenek voltunk
1972 Jeremiah Johnson.......... Jeremiah Johnson
The Candidate .......... A jelölt
The Hot Rock .......... A nagy balfogás
1970 Little Fauss and Big Halsy..........
1969 Butch Cassidy and the Sun...
2014-01-16 20:06:15
... Anthology - Daisy Fraser (Angol)

Did you ever hear of Editor Whedon

Giving to the public treasury any of the money he received

For supporting candidates for office?

Or for writing up the canning factory

To get people to invest?

Or for suppressing the facts about the bank,

When it w...
2013-11-14 20:52:34
Ez történt - November 4.-én
... landmark. Even though her character is killed off early in the picture, she would be nominated for an Academy Award and receive a Golden Globe. Her next film would be "The Manchurian Candidate" (1962), in which she starred with Frank Sinatra. For the rest of the decade, her appearances in films would be rare, but she worked with Paul Newman in "Harper" (1966). In the 1970s she app...
2013-11-04 23:31:28
Ez történt - Október 7.-én
... Parrish signed a contract with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.

Her two most notable roles are as lithe Daisy Mae in "Li'l Abner" (1959) and as the doomed Jocelyn Jordan in "The Manchurian Candidate" (1962).

In "Portrait of a Mobster" (1961) Parrish plays the wife of a detective who consorts with criminals. She is the daughter of a bootlegger who rebuffs the advances of...
2013-10-07 02:19:02
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Címkék: Roman Polanski, Steven Soderbergh, Gorka Sebestyén, Zoltán István, Transzhumanista Párt, Robert Redford, Todd Phillips Jokere, Andersson About Endlessness, Olivier Assayas, Wasp Network, Perfect Candidate, Shannon Murphy Babyteeth, Hollywood Reporter, Noah Baumbach Marriage Story, Operation SPELLBINDER, Operation OFTEN, Obama Administration, Fakenews Industrial Complex, Lovas István2016, Donald Trump, Panama City, Evan Vucci, Daisy Fraser, Editor Whedon, Academy Award, Golden Globe, Manchurian Candidate, Frank Sinatra, Paul Newman, Daisy Mae, Jocelyn Jordan, fehér ember, magyar származású, amerikai elnökválasztáson, explicat directorul, kulcsszavakkal való, campaign rally, nagy balhé, nagy balfogás, contract with, elnökválasztáson, transzhumanista, aktivizálhatók, felmondólevele, kulcsszavakkal, tudatmódosítás, administration, ntreprinderea, filmfesztivál, transzállapot, szófordulatok, significantly, presidential, resentimente, unbelievably, nevertheless, szerepelnek, appearances, suppressing, spellbinder,
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