Coronavirus - Orbán: viaţa poate fi relansată în a doua fază a luptei de protecţie, treptat, conform unui progr
... care sunt categoriile cele mai periclitate. Cu privire la aceste categorii ale populaţiei vor fi elaborate până la sfârşitul săptămânii viitoare reguli speciale, "toate forţele" sunt concentrate asupra acestora, a adăugat prim-ministrul.
El a reamintit că se urmăreşte cu mare atenţie evoluţia măsurilor de relaxare din Austria, unde magazinele, şcolile şi muzeele sunt deschise...
2020-04-24 12:11:53
Ministru ungar: trebuie creată zona economică a Ungariei de Nord
László Palkovics a mai adăugat că este nevoie de soluţii complexe de dezvoltare care vizează zone unice naţionale, economice şi culturale. Ridicarea prin eforturi concentrate a zonei va avea un impact pozitiv nu doar asupra dezvoltării capitalelor de judeţe, ci şi asupra altor aşezări din regiune, precum şi asupra întregii regiuni rurale, a declarat politicianul.
2020-03-02 18:33:05
Mihály Varga: ar trebui negociat mai degrabă cu noua Comisie Europeană în privinţa bugetului UE
... afirmat Mihály Varga.
Ministrul consideră că bugetul trebuie conturat pe baza valorilor fundamentale anterioare ale Uniunii Europene. Dezvoltările economice trebuie realizate şi concentrate într-o măsură mai mare acolo, unde se mai constată decalaje.
"Se duce un fel de război economic intern tacit" - a declarat Mihály Varga. În spatele polemicilor legate de directiva pri...
2018-09-02 10:07:08 44% dintre maghiari nu lucrează în domeniul în care au dobândit cel mai înalt nivel de pregătire
... sunt nici măcar reprezentative.
În opinia ...
2018-08-24 14:25:58
A bojlikészítés folyamata
... (halas alapmix)
10 ml Liquid Blackcurrant (Feketeribizli aroma)
10 ml Liquid Muscatel (Szőlő aroma)
10 ml Liquid North-Sea Fish (Hal aroma)
30 m Amino Concentrate (aminosav koncentrátum)
60 ml Cornsteep Oil (kukoricacsíra-olaj)
30 g Betain (étvágygerjesztő)
200 g Őrölt pirosparika (csemege)
30 db tojás [m1...
2015-02-20 18:06:54
Ez történt ma
... career, she was often denied rooms at the very hotels in which she performed, because they would not let blacks stay there). After "Meet Me in Las Vegas" (1956), Lena left films to concentrate on music and the stage. She returned in 1969, as Claire Quintana in "Death of a Gunfighter" (1969). Nine years later she returned to the screen again in the all-black musical "The Wiz" (1978...
2014-01-26 21:22:05
Ez történt ma
... (1944), "Janie" (1944), "The Last Ride" (1944), "The Horn Blows at Midnight" (1945), "It's a Wonderful Life" (1946) and "The Burning Cross" (1947). She gave up acting in the late 1940s to concentrate on raising a family with her husband, Cruse W. Moss in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She considered "It's a Wonderful Life" as a once in a lifetime movie role. She occasionally sees other surv...
2014-01-22 23:39:18
Ez történt ma
... American International horror flick "Terror From the Year 5000", originally released on a double bill with "The Screaming Skull". Following the release of this film, she then retired to concentrate on domestic life and her religion.


2014-01-21 21:54:20
Ez történt ma
... 1st Corps positions on the western side of Bataan.

1942: At the so called Arcadia Conference held in Washington, President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill agree to concentrate the Allied war effort on the European theatre. President Roosevelt also orders that all aliens are to register with the government. This is the beginning of a plan to move Japanese-America...
2014-01-14 22:29:58
... front of the grocery store,

"How did you lose your leg?"

And the old soldier is struck with silence,

Or his mind flies away

Because he cannot concentrate it on Gettysburg,

It comes back jocosely

And he says, "A bear bit it off."

And the boy wonders, while the old soldier

Dumbly, feebly lives ov...
2013-11-14 09:11:59
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
Címkék: Mihály Varga, Comisie Europeană, László Palkovics, Uniunii Europene, Liquid Blackcurrant, Liquid Muscatel, Liquid North-Sea Fish, Amino Concentrate, Cornsteep Oil, Meet Me, Last Ride, Horn Blows, Wonderful Life, Burning Cross, Cruse, American International, Terror From, Screaming Skull, Arcadia Conference, President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill, doua fază, bojlikészítés folyamata, adăugat prim-ministrul, declarat politicianul, declarat Mihály, family with, lifetime movie, double bill, étvágygerjesztő, reprezentative, bojlikészítés, kukoricacsíra, international, feketeribizli, politicianul, blackcurrant, koncentrátum, occasionally, fundamentale, concentrate, pirosparika, coronavirus, capitalelor, periclitate, categoriile, polemicilor, considered, dezvoltare, magazinele, profession, anterioare, washington, conference, gettysburg, gunfighter, government, originally, screaming, president, following, wonderful, churchill, roosevelt, economice, elaborate, reamintit, performed, ministrul, categorii, positions,
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