170 de ani de la semnarea Proiectului de pacificare româno-maghiară "Bălcescu-Kossuth" - RETROSPECTIVĂ
... slavi şi români îi scrie în martie 1849 lui Kossuth: "Nu atât cu austriecii, cât cu sârbii, croaţii şi românii ar trebuie să ajunge la un acord. Austria nu poate cădea astfel, nu poate fi decimată doar dacă reconstruim Ungaria ca o federaţie". În mai Teleki a redesenat Ungaria, după un plan federativ, pe care l-a prezentat într-o scrisoare adresată preşedintelui-guvernator, antici...
2019-07-12 17:21:50
Masacrul care a decimat, în 1919, populaţia maghiară din Tărcaia, comemorat în Vinerea Mare
De Sâmbăta Paştelui, pe 19 aprilie 1919, unităţile armatei române şi grupările paramilitare, care le însoţeau, au împuşcat în Tărcaia 91 de localnici civili maghiari, iar pe celălalt mal al Crişului Negru în satul Grădinari alţi 17.
Comemorarea a început vineri la biserica reformată, unde episcopul Eparhiei Reformate de pe lângă Piatra Craiului, István Csűry a atras aten...
2019-04-19 14:21:29
Botos László: Még mindig - és meddig még -Trianon
... Ottoman world power, defending Europe against the Turks for several centuries, (the Turkish occupation of Hungary alone lasted 150 years) with the result that the Hungarian population was decimated. But beyond all this, there is the certainty that demands recognition, that in the world of knowledge, in comparison to the size of her population, she contributed greatly to the cultur...
2017-05-09 20:43:17
Ez történt - Október 3.-án
Október 3.

1844. október 3. Széchenyi István felindultságában elájul a főrendiház ülésén, miután Pálffy Józsefnek a főrendi tábla eltörlését célzó javaslatát azzal vitatja, hogy ,,most Magyarország egyenesen a nemességgel és a főnemességgel van összekötve, és itt minden demokrácia csorbát üt a nemzetiségen", mire a vitába beavatkozó Zay Károly kijelenti: ,,A szegény refo...
2013-10-03 09:32:21
Ez történt - Augusztus 14.-én
Augusztus 14.

1447 August 14, CASIMIR IV (Poland)
Following a fire in Posen which decimated the community, Casimir IV renewed all the rights of Jews and made his charter one of the most liberal in Europe. This charter lasted less then a decade before it was revoked.

1843. augusztus 14. Hét évig tartó véres harcok után véget ér a második szeminol hábo...
2013-08-14 09:16:22
Ez történt - Február 15.-én
... Hitler permits Field Marshal Models troops to withdraw to Panther Line and also allows the Korsun pocket defenders to break out towards the relieving forces.

1944: The USAAF decimate a Japanese convoy off New Ireland.

1945: Russian troops are now covering the approaches to Danzig. The Red Army captures Sagan in Silesia. The German 11th SS Army begins a count...
2013-02-15 03:23:10
Ez történt - December 25.-én
... loss.

1942: Heavy fighting continues all around the perimeter of Stalingrad, while the decimated and starving troops of 6th Army receive their last rations of horse meat, the 12,000 horses in the pocket having now all been slaughtered.

Coca Cola Ad - December 1...
2012-12-25 01:44:22
Ez történt - Október 3.-án

1942: Germany conducts the first successful test flight of a V-2 missile, which flies perfectly over a 118-mile course.

1942: The 6th Army continues to push the decimated Soviet 62nd Army back toward the Volga, but with heavy losses to both sid...
2012-10-03 08:12:30
Ez történt - Augusztus 14.-én
Augusztus 14.

1447 August 14, CASIMIR IV (Poland)
Following a fire in Posen which decimated the community, Casimir IV renewed all the rights of Jews and made his charter one of the most liberal in Europe. This charter lasted less then a decade before it was revoked.

1843. augusztus 14. Hét évig tartó véres harcok után véget ér a második szeminol hábo...
2012-08-14 08:27:00
Ez történt - Február 15.-én
... Hitler permits Field Marshal Models troops to withdraw to Panther Line and also allows the Korsun pocket defenders to break out towards the relieving forces.

1944: The USAAF decimate a Japanese convoy off New Ireland.

1945: Russian troops are now covering the approaches to Danzig. The Red Army captures Sagan in Silesia. The German 11th SS Army begins a count...
2012-02-15 05:48:41
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Címkék: Vinerea Mare, Botos László, Sâmbăta Paştelui, Crişului Negru, Eparhiei Reformate, Piatra Craiului, István Csűry, Széchenyi István, Pálffy Józsefnek, CASIMIR IV, Casimir IV, Field Marshal Models, Panther Line, Coca Cola Ad, redesenat Ungaria, început vineri, atras aten, főrendiház ülésén, főrendi tábla, vitába beavatkozó, szegény refo, decade before, második szeminol, 118-mile course, felindultságában, főnemességgel, retrospectiv, nemzetiségen, paramilitare, magyarország, slaughtered, photobucket, recognition, reconstruim, proiectului, comemorarea, contributed, nemességgel, eltörlését, population, approaches, javaslatát, demokrácia, összekötve, comparison, pacificare, austriecii, guvernator, occupation, beavatkozó, főrendiház, stalingrad, successful, episcopul, community, localnici, reformate, defending, hungarian, perimeter, centuries, decimated, redesenat, augusztus, defenders, continues, federativ, prezentat, edintelui, scrisoare, comemorat,
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