Teased Cocks Destroyed Balls
Tökön-rúgást kedvelő csajok . . . nem csak meglovagolni, és szopni lehet a faszt, de hatalmas jól-irányzottan belerúgni is lehet, ami garantáltan egy pillanat alatt hatalmaz érzéseket generál, főleg a csattanás pillanatában, ugyan az nem biztos, hogy a pasik részéről ez lenne a legkellemesebb érzés, amire valaha is vágytak . . .

Címkék: extrém brutál, tökön...
2014-04-21 04:09:06
Vilmos herceg a családi gyűjtemény összes elefántcsont tárgyát megsemmisítené
... hogy legalább ...
2014-02-17 17:14:17
Megsemmisítették Líbia teljes vegyifegyver-arzenálját
... fegyverekből hír...
2014-02-03 13:13:12
Ez történt ma
... cities, there was widespread destruction including the capital of Cyprus, Salamis, much of Alexandria, and most of the Island of Cyrene. In Alexandria, the great synagogue and library were destroyed as well. As a result, Jews were forbidden to live in Cyprus. The rebellion forced Trajan to abandon his campaign to conquer Babylon which continuted to provide a refuge for the Jews. |...
2014-01-16 21:40:44
Ez történt ma
Január 14.

1711 January 14, FRANKFURT (Germany)
A fire, which broke out in the house of the Chief Rabbi, Naphtali Katz, destroyed almost the entire Jewish quarter. Although they were able to find temporary refuge at their non-Jewish neighbors, they were forced back into the ghetto as soon as it was rebuilt.

1866 January 14, SWITZERLAND
Jewish ...
2014-01-14 22:29:58
Ez történt ma
... Libya.

Westinghouse Ad - January 1943

1944: Plants are destroyed and 64 U.S. aircraft are lost in an air attack in Germany.

1944: The Chinese strengthen their position in the Hukawng Valley in northern Burma.

1944. januá...
2014-01-13 22:44:56
Ez történt ma
... Jewish community. Half of the 150 local Jews were murdered. The rioting spread to a number of small towns near Tripoli, leaving a death toll of approximately 180 Jews and nine synagogues destroyed. The local police and Arab soldiers often joined in the destruction and murder.

2014-01-06 22:05:19
Ez történt ma
... 1944

1944: Hitler's Chancellery is reported 75 per cent destroyed with many trapped in the shelters below after a direct hit during an RAF raid on Berlin.

1944: Wing Commander John Cunningham makes it 19-all with Wing Commander J. R. Braham in ...
2014-01-02 21:56:39
Ez törtét ma
... Fifth Army.

1945: The Allies are caught by surprise by German fighter-bombers strikes on airfields in Europe (Operation Bodenplatte (Baseplate)). A total of 465 aircraft are destroyed on the ground, but the Luftwaffe loses 62 aircraft to Allied fighters and 172 to light AA (including RAF Regiment gunners). Whilst Allied losses are quickly replace, the Luftwaffe fighter...
2014-01-01 16:22:42
... (Angol)

Harry Wilmans! You who fell in a swamp

Near Manila, following the flag

You were not wounded by the greatness of a dream,

Or destroyed by ineffectual work,

Or driven to madness by Satanic snags;

You were not torn by aching nerves,

Nor did you carry great wounds to your old ag...
2013-11-15 11:02:26
1 2 3 4 .13 14 ..20 21 .25 26 27 
Címkék: Teased Cocks, Destroyed Balls, Megsemmisítették Líbia, Chief Rabbi, Naphtali Katz, Westinghouse Ad, Hukawng Valley, Wing Commander John Cunningham, Wing Commander, Fifth Army, Operation Bodenplatte, Whilst Allied, Harry Wilmans, Near Manila, családi gyűjtemény, pillanat alatt, csattanás pillanatában, pasik részéről, legkellemesebb érzés, death toll, megsemmisítették, megsemmisítené, legkellemesebb, approximately, vegyifegyver, pillanatában, elefántcsont, fegyverekből, meglovagolni, westinghouse, chancellery, switzerland, destruction, bodenplatte, irányzottan, garantáltan, ineffectual, alexandria, strengthen, gyűjtemény, widespread, synagogues, arzenálját, cunningham, continuted, destroyed, airfields, belerúgni, operation, greatness, baseplate, temporary, csattanás, community, neighbors, érzéseket, following, frankfurt, luftwaffe, commander, synagogue, including, forbidden, rebellion, részéről, northern, position, campaign, aircraft, regiment, surprise,
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