Ez történt - Március 27. -én

1944: One thousand Jews leave Drancy, France for the Auschwitz concentration camp.

1944: Thousands of Jews are murdered in Kaunas, Lithuania. The Gestapo shoots forty Jewish policemen in the Riga, Latvia ghetto.

2012-03-27 08:11:22
Mit irigyelhettek?
... töltődjön! Ez, az ő akarata. Kitalálod miért?

In 1990, the Auschwitz State Museum massively revised the death toll there from 4,000,000 to 1,000,000, a reduction of 3,000,000. For forty-five years following WWII, governments, historians, journalists, professors, etc, were - like parrots - repeating the fraudulent four million figure as fact, yet now they confess i...
2012-03-26 18:40:43
Ez történt - Március 11. -én
... consulate parked next to the building which served as the headquarters for the Yishuv. A guard, seeing that the car blocked the road, moved it to a side wing. Twelve people were killed and forty- four wounded. Since the U.N. resolution in November, around 850 Jews had been killed by Arab terror.

1986. március 11. Egymillió nap telt el Róma megalapításának hagyományos i...
2012-03-11 08:56:12
Ez történt - Január 16.-án
... up charges against the Jews accusing them of poisoning the wells. Despite an attempted defense by the town council, 600 Jews together with the rabbi were burned to death. One hundred and forty children were taken from their parents and forcible baptized. The victims were left unburied, the cemetery destroyed and the synagogue turned into a church. The remaining Jews were expelled ...
2012-01-16 09:35:01
Ez történt - November 5.-én
... pageants in California in 1940. She graduated from the Mar-Ken School in Sherman Oaks, California in 1941, and shortly thereafter she signed a contract with Columbia Pictures. Her career spanned forty films, a small quantity of television appearances, and a serial. Her movie and TV roles beginning around 1953 she was credited as "Shawn Smith".
A beautiful woman in her youth, ...
2011-11-05 08:25:32
Ez történt - Október 29.-én
... HESSE-CASSEL (Germany)
Was formally made part of the kingdom of Westphalia. All Jews, except for peddlers and petty traders, were granted civic equality. The other German kingdoms took nearly forty years to grant civic equality to their Jews.

1934 October, BERNE TRIAL (Switzerland)
2011-10-29 11:38:28
A budapesti amerikai nagykövet kinevezésének hátterét vizsgálta a The Washington Times
... értékről számolt be.
Nancy Pelosi szóvivője, Nadeam Elshami szerint a demokratapárti vezető sokáig azért nem vallotta be a Russell Ranchot, mert annak tulajdonosa a férje által birtokolt Forty-Five Belden Corporation, amelynek adóit a szövetségi adótörvény 1 fejezetének S alfejezete értelmében nem a cég fizeti, hanem annak a részvényesei. A szövetségi tisztségviselőkkel ellen...
2011-10-11 18:21:14
Ez történt - Szeptember 22.-én
... begins rounding up thousands of Polish officers and deporting them to Russia where they will be executed a year later in the forest of Katyn near Smolensk. A Polish regiment repels attacks by forty Soviet tanks and infantry units at the Battle of Kodziowce. Soviet losses amount to hundreds killed and twenty tanks destroyed.

1940: Moscow Radio reports that RAF bombing h...
2011-09-22 06:37:36
Ez történt - Szeptember 1.-én
... of July and the death of Yitzhak Wittenberg, many of those in the underground decided to flee the city. The German entry into the ghetto was a surprise and there was no time to organize. Forty fighters led by Yechiel Scheinbaum fought until they were all killed. Around 200 more left the ghetto and joined the partisans. A second Aktion on September 23 marked the end of the ghetto. ...
2011-09-01 06:11:29
Cream Cheesecake Recipe
... by hand or with a hand mixer. Add the eggs and continue to blend. Add the melted chocolate and blend thoroughly.
2. Put the cream cheese mixture into your piecrust.
3. Bake for forty minutes or until the center is just about firm. You may leave in the cooling oven to finish baking or you may cool on the countertop. When the cheesecake is cool, put it into the refrigerato...
2011-08-26 07:26:08
1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 
Címkék: Washington Times, Cream Cheesecake Recipe, Auschwitz State Museum, Mar-Ken School, Sherman Oaks, Columbia Pictures, Shawn Smith, BERNE TRIAL, Nancy Pelosi, Nadeam Elshami, Russell Ranchot, Forty-Five Belden Corporation, Moscow Radio, Yitzhak Wittenberg, Yechiel Scheinbaum, budapesti amerikai, side wing, contract with, small quantity, beautiful woman, demokratapárti vezető, férje által, szövetségi adótörvény, year later, second Aktion, hand mixer, megalapításának, demokratapárti, concentration, kinevezésének, irigyelhettek, timesofindia, részvényesei, headquarters, journalists, fejezetének, underground, appearances, governments, switzerland, hagyományos, refrigerato, tulajdonosa, corporation, california, szeptember, thoroughly, cheesecake, thereafter, scheinbaum, professors, historians, fraudulent, television, resolution, wittenberg, adótörvény, indiatimes, countertop, washington, alfejezete, értelmében, szövetségi, westphalia, repeating, thousands, auschwitz, chocolate, policemen, lithuania, töltődjön,
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