Angol idézetek a nőkről
... sokkal szívesebben megy haza olyan házba, ahol vetetlen ágy és jókedvű asszony fogadja, mint olyanba, ahol szép rend és morcos asszony várja.
Marlene Dietrich

Women are generally superior, and naturally less violent than men.
A nők általában felsőbbrendűek és természetükből fakadóan kevésbé erőszakosak, mint a férfiak.
Kurt Cobain

Being powerfu...
2024-03-18 21:45:08
... Hardcore.


Darkcore is characterized by aggressive, often syncopated breakbeats; low frequency bass lines; and a strong 4-to-the-floor beat, owing to the subgenre's hardcore origins. Tracks are generally between 150 and 167 BPM, with 160 BPM being especially common. Many tracks feature dark-themed samples such as choirs, synthesizer notes, horr...
2019-03-12 23:07:41
... influences from eurodance, hard house, hard trance and hardcore. Hard dance incorporates strong synths, percussion and echo effects from Eurodance and a lot of pitched up trance music and is generally regarded as happier sounding music. Hard dance is distinct and separate from hardstyle or reverse bass which typically consists of a deep, hard-sounding kick drum, intense faded or r...
2019-01-29 08:58:07
... and more chaotic than what is in Grindcore. It rarely has functional and repeating riffs, NO MELODY, feed back is used as an instrument, and contains unintelligible lyrics. The noise is generally arranged into a structure that is similar to a song, and are rarely longer than 30 to 45 seconds, and almost never longer than a minute. This is Noisecore. What is happening in Japan is n...
2019-01-27 18:32:12
Még az afrikai újságban megjelent cikk is Rogánt cáfolja köt
... magazinban megjelent cikkben fekete-fehéren le van írva, hogy a magyar letelepedési kötvényekhez nem kell se lakcím, se ingatlan. “Address card no longer required. The other programmes generally require a real estate investment which is both risky and the procedures are also longer" - olvasható abban a cikkben, amelyben egyébként az a Garamvölgyi Balázs mesél a m...
2016-11-11 23:13:04
Freaky Flowers - Echinopsis Cacti in Blo
Freaky Flowers - Echinopsis Cacti in Bloom A montage of a dozen types of Echinopsis cactus flowers blooming. And wilting. And just generally showing off their mind-blowing colors. My favorite cactus f...

Címkék: Flower, (Quotation, Subject), Echinopsis, (Organism

Hossz: 00:04:24
2015-08-29 15:09:54
Tudja valaki, hogy pontosan mi is az UHT tej?
... commonly used in milk production, but the process is also used for fruit juices, cream, soy milk, yogurt, wine, soups, honey, and stews. UHT milk was invented in the 1960s, and became generally available for consumption in the 1970s.High heat during the UHT process can cause Maillard browning and change the taste and smell of dairy products.UHT milk has a typical shelf life of six...
2014-08-13 16:59:48
E számok
... Genetikailag módosított
ÁE - Állati eredet
Az irodalomban használatban lévő rövidítések:
PAE - Possible Adverse Effect (feltételezhető káros hatás)
GRAS - Generally Recognized As Safe (általában biztonságosnak tekinthető) Az amerikai élelmiszerfelügyelet részletesen felsorolja ez ebben a kategóriában tartozó adalékokat.

2014-03-02 20:55:28
Ez történt ma
... population, was enacted by Joseph II of Austria, the son of Maria Theresa. Joseph II was influenced by Wilhelm von Dohn, a friend of Mendelssohn and beginning with this edict, followed a generally enlightened attitude toward the Jews. The Edict (with the final edict less liberal then the original), received mixed reviews by Jewish leaders including Ezekiel Landau and Moses Mendels...
2014-01-02 21:56:39
Ez történt - Október 10.-én
... she met Rudolf Sieber and married him in 1924. The union lasted until his death in 1976 although they didn't live together that whole time. The remainder of her early film career was generally filled with bit roles that never amounted to a whole lot. After being seen in the German production of "Der blaue Engel" (1930) in 1930, Marlene was given a crack at Hollywood. Her first US ...
2013-10-10 09:16:56
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Címkék: Freaky Flowers, Echinopsis Cacti, Marlene Dietrich, Kurt Cobain, Garamvölgyi Balázs, Bloom, Possible Adverse Effect, Generally Recognized As Safe, Joseph II, Maria Theresa, Ezekiel Landau, Moses Mendels, Rudolf Sieber, afrikai újságban, strong 4-to-the-floor, structure that, magyar letelepedési, real estate, dozen types, typical shelf, irodalomban használatban, generally enlightened, characteristics, biztonságosnak, unintelligible, felsőbbrendűek, feltételezhető, természetükből, characterized, genetikailag, incorporates, kategóriában, használatban, kötvényekhez, letelepedési, enlightened, irodalomban, mendelssohn, synthesizer, consumption, erőszakosak, rövidítések, részletesen, garamvölgyi, szívesebben, production, recognized, echinopsis, percussion, módosított, instrument, influences, magazinban, investment, functional, especially, tekinthető, adalékokat, population, programmes, breakbeats, syncopated, aggressive, felsorolja, procedures, influenced, eurodance, grindcore, naturally, generally, kategória,
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