Ez történt - Október 19.-én
... 30.)

1739 October 19, PORTUGAL
Antonio Jose da Silva, a well-known dramatist, was burned at the stake for alleged heresy. Da Silva, whose parents had also been persecuted by the Inquisition, was arrested numerous times and tortured. Although the King himself was inclined to leniency, he was burned while one of his plays was being performed in a popular theater in...
2012-10-19 08:48:10
Ez történt - Október 17.-én
... helyezve azt.

1483 October 17, POPE SIXTUS III (Spain)
Despite his previous protest, Pope Sixtus III gave into Ferdinand's pressure and extended the authority of the Inquisition to Aragon, Catalonia, and Valencia. This consolidated the Inquisition into one central body under Torquemada.

2012-10-17 06:03:11
Ez történt - Szeptember 17.-én
... were commissioned by Pope Sixtus to begin "investigations" into heresy charges against the conversos in Spain. The first order was for all noblemen to denounce lapsed conversos to the Inquisition. Between 1481 and 1488, approximately 700 men and women were burned at the stake, and approximately 5000 were forced to "repent."

2012-09-17 07:50:13
Ez történt - Július 29.-én
... was taken to the stake "I don't believe in Christ even if you bind me." He had returned recently from Bayonne to persuade his nephew to return to Judaism when he was captured by the Inquisition.

1707. július 29. A vármegyékhez intézett nyílt levelében Eszterházy Pál nádor (vö. 1683. február 8.; 1703. május 26.; 1708. február 29.) törvénytelennek nyilvánítja a június 13...
2012-07-29 08:12:30
Ez történt - Július 21.-én
... 1814. augusztus 7-i ,,Sollicitudo omnium ecclesiarum" kezdetű brévéjével állít majd vissza.

1814 July 21, PORTUGAL
King Ferdinand VII re-established the Inquisition six years after it was abolished by Joseph Boneparte.

1849. július 21. I. Ferenc József császár azt a Scitovszky János pécsi püspököt nevezi ki esztergomi érseknek, akit a magyar ...
2012-07-21 06:37:01
Ez történt - Július 16.-án
... This did not prevent him from confiscating all the property of those Jews who had either fled or been murdered.

1547 July 16, PORTUGAL
An irreversible and independent Inquisition was finally approved by the Bull Meditatio Cordis by Pope Paul III. Offices of the Inquisition were established in Lisbon, Evora, Coimbra, and even in Goa.

1918. július 16. J...
2012-07-16 10:42:51
Ez történt - Július 15.-én
... with the consent of Empress Anna Johanova. Voznitzin, a naval captain, was guilty of the crime of converting to Judaism. Laibov was guilty of helping him.

1834 July 15, THE INQUISITION (Spain)
Was finally abolished by the Queen Mother, Maria Christina, after nearly three and one half centuries.

1904 July 15, VYACHESLAV VON PLEHVE (Russia)
The Rus...
2012-07-15 07:07:48
Ez történt - Június 29.-én
... was taken to the stake "I don't believe in Christ even if you bind me." He had returned recently from Bayonne to persuade his nephew to return to Judaism when he was captured by the Inquisition.

1763. június 29. Barkóczy esztergomi érsek írja az előző napon földrengés sújtotta Komárom szabad királyi város elöljáróihoz: ,,Továbbá akarom, hogy a szent beszédekben a népne...
2012-06-29 09:26:28
Ez történt - Június 10.-én
... Adventures of Augie March, and To Jerusalem and Back. He also edited Great Jewish Short Stories.

"jll_jews." VÍRUS... israel attack!

Early American Jews From Inquisition to Freedom

1917 June 10, UNITED STATES
2012-06-10 08:13:50
Ez történt - Június 6.-án
... disgust on the part of the Christians. The Jews refered to them as anusim "those who were forced to convert". Eventually, these mass forced conversions led to the establishment of the Inquisition.

1391. június 6. Miután Sevillában két zsinagógát templommá alakítanak át, széleskörű népmozgalom bontakozik ki a zsidók ellen, és az erőszak hamarosan átterjed Toledóra, Vale...
2012-06-06 06:10:07
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Címkék: Antonio Jose, POPE SIXTUS III, Pope Sixtus III, Pope Sixtus, Eszterházy Pál, King Ferdinand VII, Joseph Boneparte, Ferenc József, Scitovszky János, Bull Meditatio Cordis, Pope Paul III, Empress Anna Johanova, Maria Christina, VYACHESLAV VON PLEHVE, Augie March, Great Jewish Short Stories, Early American Jews From Inquisition, UNITED STATES, Miután Sevillában, well-known dramatist, popular theater, vármegyékhez intézett, naval captain, előző napon, szent beszédekben, zsidók ellen, erőszak hamarosan, törvénytelennek, investigations, approximately, establishment, elöljáróihoz, confiscating, consolidated, irreversible, commissioned, vármegyékhez, inquisition, established, independent, conversions, sollicitudo, népmozgalom, ecclesiarum, nyilvánítja, beszédekben, brévéjével, converting, bontakozik, vyacheslav, torquemada, eszterházy, szeptember, széleskörű, adventures, esztergomi, sevillában, földrengés, scitovszky, eventually, christians, alakítanak, zsinagógát, persecuted, abolished, centuries, performed, conversos, ferdinand,
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