Preşedintele Ungariei: naţiunea maghiară nu doar că a fost, dar va şi exista
"După 100 de ani, după două războaie mondiale, chinuiţi de Trianon şi de crize economice, după mai bine de patru decenii de comunism-socialism, după o revoluţie zdrobită, aflaţi de mai multe ori în pragul falimentului statului, iată, ne aflăm aici, trăim", a declarat şeful statului ungar.
Preşedintele a declarat că nimeni nu poate contesta maghiarilor dreptul de a munci ...
2020-06-04 15:11:54
Black Metal
... Energy 5JhWzIc" >target="_blank"
Inquisition - Master of The Cosmological Black Cauldron eiqTUzE" >target="_blank"
Inquisition - Obscure Verses For The Multiverse g7gxgpQ" >target="_blank"
2019-02-11 21:52:20
Telekom Electronic Beats Festival a Várkert Bazárban
... vonult be az elektronikus zene köztudatába, és 2016-ban már sikeresen fellépett az Electronic Beats Festivalon. A pultba állnak a rendezvényen a műfaj ismert stuttgarti képviselői, SHDW & Obscure Shape is.
Szintén zenél a Duna partján a hazai elektronika kiemelkedő csapata, a Zagar, amely idén új albummal érkezik, amelyen a hírek szerint afrikai és arab ütőhangszerek is szere...
2018-09-09 12:02:05
A fost închis ziarul orădean Reggeli Újság
... 2018 s-a transformat în publicaţie săptămânală.
Redactorii jurnalului au publicat un comunicat, atrăgând atenţia că închiderea ziarului s-a produs din motive independente de ei şi "obscure chiar şi lor". În opinia redacţiei, proprietarii ziarului au omis să plătească cheltuielile tipografice, iar tipografia a refuzat tipărirea gazetei Reggeli Újság. Membrii redacţiei au adăug...
2018-02-27 13:02:16
... jouer ensemble

jusqu'au soir aucune réplique

n'a la force de nous atteindre.

Nos paroles qu'il faut sans cesse

disputer à d'obscures craintes,

ces paroles, sitôt franchies

les embűches de nos secrets

et les crevasses de nos rêves,

ne tiennent pas plus hors

2013-11-26 19:14:46
Ez történt - November 12.-én
... continued with her dance and acting training and eventually was invited to join the Finnish National Ballet. She appeared in a few homeland movies as early as age 10 and found a couple of obscure film roles as a teenager, one in which she danced.

Taina's in...
2013-11-12 21:53:25
... sous nos yeux agrandis ?

Que jusqu'à l'horizon la terre se souvienne

Et renaisse pour ceux qui s'en croyaient bannis !

Mémoire, soeur obscure et que je vois de face

Autant que le permet une image qui passe ...


J'aurai rêvé ma vie à l'instar des riviè...
2013-07-19 14:11:10
... demanded an image

Of its accelerated grimace,

Something for the modern stage,

Not, at any rate, an Attic grace;

Not, not certainly, the obscure reveries

Of the inward gaze;

Better mendacities

Than the classics in paraphrase!

The "age demanded" chiefly a mould in plaste...
2013-04-16 12:58:40
Ez történt - December 17.-én
... School.

MGM put the lovely, blue-eyed, wavy-blonde hopeful under contract during the post-war WWII years. While Anne appeared in a couple of obscure bobbysoxer bits, nothing much came of it. Frustrated at the standard cheesecake treatment she was receiving ...
2012-12-17 06:18:04
... abîmes,

Parce qu'on les fuit,

Parce qu'elles sont toutes deux victimes

De la sombre nuit...

Passants, faites grâce à la plante obscure,

Au pauvre animal.

Plaignez la laideur, plaignez la piqűre,

Oh ! plaignez le mal !

Il n'est rien qui n'ait sa mélanco...
2012-11-27 12:53:13
1 2 3 4 5 
Címkék: Preşedintele Ungariei, Black Metal, Telekom Electronic Beats Festival, Várkert Bazárban, Reggeli Újság, Cosmological Black Cauldron, Obscure Verses For The Multiverse, Electronic Beats Festivalon, Obscure Shape, Finnish National Ballet, While Anne, fost închis, declarat şeful, elektronikus zene, pultba állnak, műfaj ismert, hazai elektronika, hírek szerint, refuzat tipărirea, ütőhangszerek, proprietarii, cosmological, cheltuielile, rendezvényen, falimentului, elektronikus, independente, inquisition, transformat, köztudatába, mendacities, accelerated, elektronika, maghiarilor, tipografice, redactorii, bobbysoxer, frustrated, tipografia, jurnalului, paraphrase, multiverse, electronic, kiemelkedő, cheesecake, eventually, képviselői, festivalon, stuttgarti, continued, comunicat, something, nchiderea, fellépett, sikeresen, socialism, certainly, atteindre, souvienne, crevasses, croyaient, franchies, receiving, treatment, economice, tiennent, statului, agrandis, reveries, comunism, teenager,
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