Universităţile din România nu pot obliga absolvenţii maghiari să susţină examen pentru competenţe lingvistice d
... atenţia Ministerului Educaţiei asupra faptului că regulamentul privind metodologia admiterii în învăţământului superior de licenţă, de masterat şi de doctorat, adoptată în 2016, creează premisele unei discriminări. Şi asta întrucât, din cauza interpretabilităţii uneia dintre prevederi, unele instituţii de învăţământ superior au verificat, la admitere, şi competenţele lingvistice d...
2020-01-08 17:22:46
170 de ani de la semnarea Proiectului de pacificare româno-maghiară "Bălcescu-Kossuth" - RETROSPECTIVĂ
... românii înarmaţi de comandantul austriac Puchner Antal şi aflaţi sub acoperire în slujba lui au refuzat să recunoască Guvernul Ungariei, adresându-se împăratului. În Transilvania s-au creat premisele unui război civil, masacrele şi atrocităţile erau frecvente. Până în primăvara lui 1849 honvezii lui Bem au curăţat mare parte a Transilvaniei de imperialişti şi răsculaţii români, da...
2019-07-12 17:21:50
Munkaerőt toboroz az Oracle Európában, a Közel-Keleten és Afrikában
... Amszterdamban és Kairóban, valamint még 2016-ban további korszerű irodákat nyit Dubaiban, Dublinban és Prágában - írták.
A vállalat 600 különböző felhő alkalmazást kínál, amely az átfogó on-premise (helyszíni) hardver és szoftver ajánlatokkal kombinálva a vállalatok informatikai infrastruktúrájának teljes körű kezelhetőségét biztosítja és segíti a zökkenőmentes átállást a fel...
2016-01-14 16:03:08
Ez történt - Augusztus 24.-én
... time.

The program, which earned her three Emmys, was based on the premise that each drama was in answer to a question asked in her fan mail. The program's original title was "Letter to Loretta". The title was changed to "The Loretta Young Show" during the ...
2013-08-24 08:25:13
Ez történt - Május 29.-én
... were not able to control the fires. Approximately 1000 acres, possibly 80% of Barmen's built up area, was destroyed by fire. 5 out of the town's 6 largest factories, 211 other industrial premises and nearly 4,000 houses were completely destroyed. The number of buildings classed as seriously damaged, 71 industrial and 1,800 domestic, indicates the high proportion of complete destru...
2013-05-29 00:52:06
Ez történt - Május 19.-én
... them destitute.

1804 JEWISH STATUTE (Russia)
After two years of deliberation, Alexander I published legislation regarding the future of the Jews in Russia. Based on the premise that the Jews (especially those absorbed from Poland) were undesirable elements, it was declared that efforts should be made to transform them into "productive" citizens. On the one hand, ...
2013-05-19 09:55:13
Ez történt - Március 13. -án
... Hirsch and others.

1804 JEWISH STATUTE (Russia)
After two years of deliberation, Alexander I published legislation regarding the future of the Jews in Russia. Based on the premise that the Jews (especially those absorbed from Poland) were undesirable elements, it was declared that efforts should be made to transform them into "productive" citizens. On the one han...
2013-03-13 06:42:28
Ez történt - Augusztus 24.-én
Augusztus 24.

410. augusztus 24. Több hetes ostrom után Alarik nyugati gót uralkodó keresztény hordái behatolnak a még döntően pogány lakosságú Rómába, miután a katolikus párt fanatikusaként ismert Anicius nemzetségbeli Proba Faltonia, egy megtért patríciusnő rabszolgáival éjnek idején megnyittatja előttük a Porta Salariát. A megvadult győztesek által végrehajtott gyilko...
2012-08-24 06:03:37
Ez történt - Május 29.-én
... were not able to control the fires. Approximately 1000 acres, possibly 80% of Barmen's built up area, was destroyed by fire. 5 out of the town's 6 largest factories, 211 other industrial premises and nearly 4,000 houses were completely destroyed. The number of buildings classed as seriously damaged, 71 industrial and 1,800 domestic, indicates the high proportion of complete destru...
2012-05-29 08:07:37
Sketch for Information Architecture class YSDN 3006 with Instructor David Gelb. Premise: Sketch an idea for a messaging system for teenagers.

Címkék: napkin, messaging, system, teenagers, timelapse

Hossz: 00:00:05
2012-05-24 14:56:29
1 2 3 
Címkék: Oracle Európában, Ministerului Educaţiei, Puchner Antal, Guvernul Ungariei, Loretta Young Show, JEWISH STATUTE, Alexander, Proba Faltonia, Porta Salariát, Information Architecture, Instructor David Gelb, átfogó on-premise, vállalatok informatikai, zökkenőmentes átállást, question asked, katolikus párt, megtért patríciusnő, megvadult győztesek, messaging system, interpretabilit, fanatikusaként, kezelhetőségét, amszterdamban, approximately, rabszolgáival, nemzetségbeli, zökkenőmentes, transilvaniei, ajánlatokkal, megnyittatja, ministerului, transilvania, deliberation, architecture, retrospectiv, informatikai, végrehajtott, regulamentul, legislation, comandantul, alkalmazást, undesirable, patríciusnő, lingvistice, information, metodologia, proiectului, vállalatok, completely, industrial, productive, behatolnak, keresztény, instructor, especially, proportion, kombinálva, pacificare, biztosítja, discrimin, augusztus, helyszíni, seriously, indicates, európában, munkaerőt, győztesek, acoperire, admiterii, megvadult, afrikában,
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