2015-09-24 13:03:14
Az ügynöklista és a rózsadombi paktum tel-avivban van??
... delivery shall be covered by Yad Vashem.

Article 3

(1) The transfer of a copy of a document containing Protected Personal Data in a non-anonymized form, can be prohibited as a result of an objection give by a Person Concerned, or if deceased; by any of his/her heirs or relatives, within 6 months after the proclamation of the present Agreement in Hungary, by t...
2014-09-27 08:32:55
Dicséret a magyar doppingellenes szervezetnek
... előadók között szerepelt a Magyar Antidopping Csoport vezetője, Tiszeker Ágnes is.
A doppinglabor vezetője, Günter Gmeiner - aki egyben a WADA tiltólista szakértői bizottságának (Prohibited List Expert Group) is a tagja - a MACS térségben betöltött példa értékű szerepét, valamint az európai államok között szerény erőforrással gazdálkodó magyar szervezet hatékony, nemzetközi v...
2013-12-03 16:25:21
Ez történt - Szeptember 7.-én
... (Switzerland)
Instituted new measures against the Jews throughout Europe. The council, aside from adopting many of the old measures like preventing interaction between Jews and Christians, prohibited Jews from entering universities, and forced them to listen to conversion sermons. The council encouraged Christian study of Hebrew in order to "combat Jewish heresy". The counci...
2013-09-07 01:39:08
Ez történt - Augusztus 30.-án

1919 August 30, RUSSIA
The Jewish Commissariat Yevsektsiya proclaims Hebrew a "reactionary language". As such, the teaching of Hebrew was prohibited in all educational institutions and books in Hebrew were removed from libraries.

1940: The Bri...
2013-08-30 10:13:14
Ez történt - Augusztus 28.-án
... utolsó inka uralkodót. Pizarrót 1541. június 26-án a saját emberei gyilkolták meg.

1703 August 28, ALEINU PRAYER BANNED (Brandenberg, Germany)
The Aleinu prayer was prohibited in much of Germany. The Aleinu, composed by Rav, one of the great Talmudists (d. 247), had been part of the ritual prayer for almost 1500 years. It served as a focal point for anti-Jewish at...
2013-08-28 00:27:14
Ez történt - Augusztus 18.-án
Augusztus 18.

1393 August 18, KING JOHN I (Spain)
In an effort to prevent "backsliding" by converted Jews, he prohibited them from living in the same quarter as unconverted Jews or even eating with them.

1846 August 18, AUSTRIA
The Jewish Oath was abolished in Austria. Originally established by Charlemagne, a Jew taking an oath in a Christian cou...
2013-08-18 09:17:58
Ez történt - Augusztus 10.-én
... II (Poland)
Reneging on his promise to stop further persecution of the Jews, he expelled them from Zausmer on a murder libel.

Alexander I, after an initial period of liberalism, reverted to the anti-Jewish position of his predecessors. He began with forbidding Jews to have Christian se...
2013-08-10 07:50:04
Ez történt - Április 10.-én
Április 10.

Prohibited Jews from appearing in the streets during Easter because "their appearance is an insult to Christianity". Childbert (a Merovinian king) approved the measure so as not to offend Christians. Until the reign of Charlemagne (800), France (Gaul) consisted of small principalities ruled by petty kings. The decree ...
2013-04-10 08:55:23
Ez történt - Április 7.-én

The Civil Service Law prohibited Jews from holding public service jobs. These included the civil service, army, labor service, commerce, teachers and lawyers.

1941 Apri...
2013-04-07 09:11:18
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Címkék: Protected Personal Data, Person Concerned, Magyar Antidopping Csoport, Tiszeker Ágnes, Günter Gmeiner, Prohibited List Expert Group, Jewish Commissariat Yevsektsiya, ALEINU PRAYER BANNED, KING JOHN, Jewish Oath, FOREIGN JEWS WERE PROHIBITED FROM SETTLING IN RUSSIA, Alexander, THIRD COUNCIL OF ORLEANS, Prohibited Jews, BEGINNING OF ANTI-JEWISH LEGISLATION, Civil Service Law, rózsadombi paktum, magyar doppingellenes, document containing, non-anonymized form, doppinglabor vezetője, európai államok, saját emberei, focal point, murder libel, doppingellenes, principalities, bizottságának, pmostrategies, predecessors, christianity, szervezetnek, institutions, commissariat, erőforrással, doppinglabor, universities, proclamation, yevsektsiya, charlemagne, persecution, aaaaaaaaafo, switzerland, interaction, established, unconverted, backsliding, antidopping, legislation, brandenberg, reactionary, ügynöklista, educational, nemzetközi, liberalism, instituted, szeptember, prohibited, rózsadombi, talmudists, tiltólista,
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