Universitatea de Vară de la Băile Tuşnad - Zsolt Németh: universitatea de vară a creat un gen unic
... schimbării regimului", ea fiind, şi sub acest aspect, specială, deoarece instituţiile din Europa Centrală care au schimbat regimuri, în general, au fost şterse de istorie.
Tusványos şi protagoniştii schimbării regimului, cum ar fi Viktor Orbán sau László Tőkés, care şi în zilele noastre joacă încă un rol activ în modelarea politicii, simbolizează că "avem posibilitatea de a n...
2019-07-15 17:22:34
Cimitirul militar din Valea Uzului - Presa maghiară din România: nu au fost încă traşi la răspundere cei care a
... mai multe ore de înregistrări realizate la faţa locului, respectiv după parcurgerea a sute de profiluri de Facebook şi a mai multor mii de postări, jurnaliştii au reuşit să identifice protagoniştii principali ai incidentelor de la 6 iunie, din Valea Uzului. Portalul maghiar de ştiri a constatat că persoanele care au comis acte de violenţă au fost 19 membri ai unei facţiuni de supo...
2019-06-29 10:16:32
Cannes - Oscar-díjas dokumentumfilmjének vetítésével emlékeznek meg Malik Bendjelloulról Cannes-ban
... színész felidézte, hogy személyesen is ismerte a rendezőt, mert futólag találkozott vele 2013-ban az Oscar-díjak átadásakor.
A nem hivatalos búcsúvetítést a Svéd Filmintézet és a Protagonist Pictures szervezte meg, a produkciót vasárnap láthatja a cannes-i fesztiválközönség - közölte csütörtökön a filmes portál.
A Rodriguez nyomában egy lélegzetelállító nyomo...
2014-05-15 18:25:24
Ez történt - Szeptember 10.-én
... Gale Gordon and Arte Johnson joined the cast.

An urban legend states that Caulfield's film "Dear Ruth" (1947) inspired author J.D. Salinger to name the protagonist of his novel The Catcher in the Rye (1951) "Holden Caulfield" after seeing a movie theater marquee with the film's stars: Caulfield and William Holden. However, Holden Caulfield was me...
2013-09-10 18:48:45
Ez történt - Szeptember 10.-én

An urban legend states that Caulfield's film "Dear Ruth" (1947) inspired author J.D. Salinger to name the protagonist of his novel The Catcher in the Rye (1951) "Holden Caulfield" after seeing a movie theater marquee with the film's stars: Caulfield and William ...
2013-09-10 09:37:25
Ez történt - Április 25.-én
... cast.

An urban legend states that Caulfield's film "Dear Ruth" (1947) inspired author J.D. Salinger to name the protagonist of his novel The Catcher in the Rye (1951) "Holden Caulfield" after seeing a movie theater marquee with the film's stars: Caul...
2013-04-25 08:25:55
Ez történt - Április 12.-én
...- Április 12.

418 MINORCA (Balearic Islands off Spain's eastern coast)
Severus, the bishop of Minorca, claimed to have forced 540 Jews to accept Christianity upon conquering the Island. This is the first we know of Jews on this Island as well as the first case of Jews being forced to convert or face expulsion. Although in general forced conversions (as laid down by...
2013-04-12 06:52:41
Ez történt - Szeptember 10.-én

An urban legend states that Caulfield's film "Dear Ruth" (1947) inspired author J.D. Salinger to name the protagonist of his novel The Catcher in the Rye (1951) "Holden Caulfield" after seeing a movie theater marquee with the film's stars: Caulfield and William ...
2012-09-10 06:47:56
Ez történt - Április 12.-én
... couple of lines of dialogue -- the character was much discussed prior to actually appearing in the film and demanded an actress who could match the buildup. The pivotal scene, in which protagonist Humphrey Bogart finds himself at a disadvantage in gangster Eddie Mars' coastal hideaway, had originally been filmed in 1944 with Pat Clarke in the role of Mrs. Mars.

2012-04-12 11:22:19
Elena Dementieva: Anuncio Spot WTA Stron
Elena Dementieva protagoniza esta versión del spot " Strong is Beautiful" o " La fuerza es bella" es una campa

Címkék: anuncio, ad, ads, advert, Elena

Hossz: 00:00:29
2011-10-26 20:53:03
1 2 
Címkék: Băile Tuşnad, Zsolt Németh, Valea Uzului, Malik Bendjelloulról Cannes-ban, Elena Dementieva, Anuncio Spot WTA Stron, Europa Centrală, Viktor Orbán, László Tőkés, Svéd Filmintézet, Protagonist Pictures, Gale Gordon, Arte Johnson, Dear Ruth, Holden Caulfield, William Holden, Balearic Islands, Humphrey Bogart, Eddie Mars, produkciót vasárnap, cannes-i fesztiválközönség, lélegzetelállító nyomo, movie theater, lélegzetelállító, bendjelloulról, universitatea, joancaulfield, posibilitatea, búcsúvetítést, christianity, disadvantage, incidentelor, személyesen, photobucket, protagonist, simbolizeaz, találkozott, vetítésével, csütörtökön, parcurgerea, protagoniza, filmintézet, conversions, emlékeznek, dementieva, szeptember, identifice, principali, persoanele, átadásakor, produkciót, docdonster, conquering, originally, respectiv, caulfield, discussed, regimului, character, realizate, profiluri, cimitirul, modelarea, protagoni, politicii, appearing, tusványos, constatat, hivatalos, rodriguez, szervezte,
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