Orbán szerint Magyarország olyan, mint a dongó – de a
... például azt is, hogy 2008-ban - az Eurostat felmérése szerint - Lengyelországban és Magyarországon egyaránt a népesség 18 százaléka élt súlyos anyagi nélkülözésben (,,severely materially deprived"), de míg tavaly ez az arány Lengyelországban 12 százalékra csökkent, addig nálunk 27 százalékra nőtt.

De Orbánt ez nem zavarja: a statisztikák szerinte ...
2014-12-15 17:32:22
Ez történt ma
... Malta.

1941: German aircraft surprise the Mediterranean fleet, which is escorting 3 merchant ships to Greece. 40 Ju-87 Stukas attack them, scoring 6 hits on HMS Illustrious and severely damaging her. HMS Warspite also receive damage. Both ships make for Malta and arrive the next day.

2014-01-10 22:11:55
Ez történt - Szeptember 3.-án
... against the Jews in London took place the same day and the following day. Richard was reluctant to begin his reign by overtly protecting the Jews and therefore did not punish the rioters too severely - which encouraged more riots. The rioting soon spread to such commercial centers as Norwich, (Kings) Lynn, Stamford, Lincoln, Bury St Edmunds, and York, as well as to smaller communi...
2013-09-03 07:47:13
Ez történt - Augusztus 31.-én
... Fidél-féle nemzetiszocialista párt és a Salló János vezette Nemzeti Front.

In reaction to the Harrison Report, President Truman severely criticized the conditions of the DP's and contended that his policies "are not being carried out." In addition, he urged the British government to grant 100,000 immigration permits ...
2013-08-31 08:45:21
What causes behavioral and personality changes?
... mind."

A large meningioma, the most common type of primary brain tumor, growing in the left temporal and parietal area severely affected Ray's memory and language centers. Effects of pressure or "disconnection" of interrelated brain areas ...
2013-08-14 14:10:22
Ez történt - Július 27.-én
... Codrington at Dover and Wren off the Suffolk coast.

1940: Japan announces its plans for the creation of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

1941: London is severely bombed by the Luftwaffe, in its first air raid for 10 weeks.

1941: German troops liberate Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. Guderian's Panzer Group 2 is removed from its subor...
2013-07-27 09:04:03
Ez történt - Július 17.-én
... taktikáját, több száz légierőd gyújtóbombák ezreit zúdítja Tokió lakosságára, elpusztítva a japán főváros háromnegyedét és kioltva több százezer civil életét.

1944: Rommel is severely wounded by a Spitfire attack after his inspection of defenses Southeast of Caen.

1944: The Germans say they will hold Baltic States 'at all costs', as the Russian advance appro...
2013-07-17 00:15:15
Ez történt - Július 15.-én
The Russian Minister of Interior, was assassinated. Von Plehve was responsible for the Kishinev massacres in which forty-seven Jews were killed, ninety-two severely wounded or crippled, and five hundred slightly wounded. His assassin was a member of the socialist revolutionary movement which had also suffered because of his policies. Czar Nicho...
2013-07-15 00:03:36
Ez történt - Július 13.-án
... Eastern front in the future.

1943: The British advance into Sicily continues with the capture of Augusta and Ragusa.

1943: The Japanese sink the US destroyer Gwin and severely damage three cruisers for loss of cruiser Jintsu in Kula Gulf.

General Motors Ad - July 1944 /2010/05/angleterre-lendoctrinemen...
2013-07-13 00:08:28
Ez történt - Július 4.-én
... cruiser Hipper, 7 destroyers and 2 E-boats to put to sea until the British aircraft-carrier had been sunk. In the afternoon, larger numbers of Luftwaffe planes attacked convoy PQ-17 twice, severely damaging 3 merchants, two of which later sank. Later that day, the British First Sea Lord Dudley Pound, thought that the German surface force had sailed to attack the PQ-17 and would in...
2013-07-04 07:52:52
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Címkék: Ju-87 Stukas, Bury St Edmunds, Salló János, Nemzeti Front, PRESIDENT HARRY, Harrison Report, President Truman, Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, Panzer Group, Baltic States, VYACHESLAV VON PLEHVE, Russian Minister, Czar Nicho, Kula Gulf, General Motors Ad, British First Sea Lord Dudley Pound, dongó &#8211, arány Lengyelországban, statisztikák szerinte, large meningioma, japán főváros, lengyelországban, magyarországon, lendoctrinemen, nélkülözésben, revolutionary, háromnegyedét, mediterranean, disconnection, magyarország, assassinated, interrelated, statisztikák, gyújtóbombák, personality, immigration, illustrious, responsible, lakosságára, elpusztítva, government, vyacheslav, szeptember, behavioral, commercial, prosperity, destroyers, százalékra, meningioma, angleterre, criticized, protecting, taktikáját, conditions, codrington, materially, inspection, encouraged, augusztus, felmérése, százaléka, contended, president, socialist, escorting, therefore, reluctant, following, massacres, southeast, continues,
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