The State of Israel - The First 25 Years
... worried the Zionists from the start, but they did not think only of Palestine. L Pinsker, a Zionist ideologist, wrote:

We do not have to settle at the very place where our statehood was crushed and wiped out... We want nothing but a tract of land that would be our property... We shall carry there the Holy of Holies rescued during the fall of our ancient homland...
2013-06-08 11:55:57
Ez történt - Április 6.-án
Április 6.

313 EDICT OF TOLERATION (Roman Empire)
The Emperor Constantine and his co-emperor Licinius officially recognized Christianity. This edict authorized the toleration of different religions in the Roman Empire yet gave supremacy to Christianity.

Mar Zutra had revolted against the fanatic Kavad I (488-531...
2013-04-06 11:08:39
Ez történt - Április 6.-án

1923 April, BETAR (Brit Trumpeldor) (Riga, Latvia)
Was founded by Aaron Propes under the guidance and philosophy of Ze'ev (Vladimir) Jabotinsky. Betar believed in Jewish statehood, undiluted Zionism, self defense, Hebrew, and what was called Hadar a code of good manners, dignity and belief in the intrinsic value of the Jewish people.

1938: The United...
2012-04-06 06:53:43
Ez történt - Április 6.-án

1923 April, BETAR (Brit Trumpeldor) (Riga, Latvia)
Was founded by Aaron Propes under the guidance and philosophy of Ze'ev (Vladimir) Jabotinsky. Betar believed in Jewish statehood, undiluted Zionism, self defense, Hebrew, and what was called Hadar a code of good manners, dignity and belief in the intrinsic value of the Jewish people.

1942 April ...
2011-04-06 08:28:18
Protest against the malicious,
... elections.
We resent the false accusation of being antidemocratic, and not conforming to European standards. Hungary, and the Hungarians are deeply committed to democracy. Hungary's statehood is more than a thousand year old, and is inherently tied to Europe by the mere fact of its inception accepting Christianity, and receiving a crown in accordance with the customs of the t...
2011-02-23 17:18:24
1867 Amerika megveszi Alaszkát
... például a vele szomszédos Yukon terület Kanadához). 1959. január 3-án vált az unió 49. államává, miután Dwight D. Eisenhower elnök 1958. július 7-én aláírta az államiságát rögzítő Alaska Statehood Act nevű törvényt.

Az ország akárcsak az orosz telepeseknek, úgy az amerikaiaknak sem volt vonzó. A földje nem volt jól művelhető, s más különösebb adottsága nem akadt.
2009-10-18 12:43:01
Címkék: EDICT OF TOLERATION, Roman Empire, Emperor Constantine, ZUTRA II BEHEADED, Kavad, Brit Trumpeldor, Aaron Propes, Dwight, Alaska Statehood Act, thousand year, vele szomszédos, államiságát rögzítő, ország akárcsak, orosz telepeseknek, antidemocratic, amerikaiaknak, christianity, telepeseknek, államiságát, constantine, ideologist, szomszédos, accordance, eisenhower, conforming, jabotinsky, accusation, philosophy, toleration, officially, recognized, hungarians, trumpeldor, inherently, authorized, különösebb, statehood, intrinsic, democracy, palestine, undiluted, inception, accepting, kanadához, receiving, malicious, committed, standards, supremacy, művelhető, adottsága, elections, religions, different, vladimir, beheaded, megveszi, alaszkát, guidance, believed, licinius, thousand, european, revolted, property, zionists, törvényt, államává, akárcsak, against, emperor,
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