Agyi erek lenyomatát fedezték fel egy óegyiptomi múmia koponyacsontján
... eseté...
2014-10-01 17:34:41
... are sick

Became my work in life, and all my world.

Poor ruined boy! You were, at last, the potter

And I and all my deeds of charity

The vessels of your hand.

Edgar Lee Masters - A Spoon River-i holtak - Fallas államügyész

Én, a korbácsos ember, bűnbánat zaklatója,

2013-11-15 15:25:09
A vitaminok önmagukban nem működnek.
... ultrahangos vizsgálata kimutatta, hogy az érszűkület csökkent, és a vér áramlása az agyba jelentősen javult, vagy nem romlott a betegek 92%-ánál.
Magas koleszterinszint

Blood-VesselsA szívbetegség legtöbb esetben összefüggésben van a magas koleszterinszinttel. A tokotrienolok gátolják a koleszterin termelődését azáltal, hogy blokkolnak egy kulcs enzimet (HMG-CoA en...
2013-11-10 16:54:12
Ez történt - November 1. -én
... attacked by German submarines without any provocation; that the exact opposite was true in that the U-boats fired torpedoes only after they were tracked and depth-charged for hours by these US vessels.

1941: German troops of the 11th Army take Simferopol, the capital of the Crimea and close in on Sevastopol.

2013-11-01 22:21:27
Ez történt - Október 31.-én
... destroyer is the first US naval casualty in the hitherto undeclared war between Germany and the United States that existed after President Roosevelt authorised the use of American naval vessels to escort Lend-Lease convoys bound for Britain.

1941: British air raid casualties in October remain low at 262 killed. RAF raid occupied Europe on all but six days with Hamburg a...
2013-10-31 22:44:16
Ez történt - Szeptember 7.-én
... Germany's armoured forces have been shattered along the western front. German Army Group B has only about a hundred operational tanks.

1944: U.S. Army forces supported by naval vessels land on Soepiori Island in the Schouten Is. off New Guinea.

2007. szeptember 7. A Ha'aretz izraeli napilap szerint Ramvydas Valentukevicius litván államügyész jelezte az izra...
2013-09-07 01:39:08
Ez történt - Augusztus 23.-án
1944: King Michael I of Romania dismisses Marshall Antonescu, his head of state and brings his country over to the Soviet side.

1944: U.S. destroyer and smaller naval vessels start a bombardment, repeated daily for 4 days, on Japanese installations and positions on Aguijan Island, Northern Mariana Islands.

1945: The Japanese in Burma say they are now ...
2013-08-23 07:10:25
Ez történt - Július 29.-én
During the early inter-war period, the Finnish Navy consisted of some 30 ex-Russian vessels. Most of these were old and in bad shape, and the types were not ideal for requirements of the navy as they mostly had been taken as ...
2013-07-29 07:55:28
Ez történt - Július 23.-án
... massive 36-hour air and sea bombardment of Kure naval base and other ports on the Japanese coast from Osaka to Nagoya, sinking and escort carrier and 12 other warships, as well as 84 cargo vessels sunk or damaged and over 200 planes destroyed or damaged.

Mary Beth Hughes

*Born Mary Elizabeth Hughes in Alton, Illinois, Hughes' parents divorced in 1923. After ...
2013-07-23 08:44:30
Ez történt - Július 19.-én
... történelmi legendárium Néró császárnak tulajdonítja a gaztett elkövetését.

1510 July 19, BRANDENBURG (Germany)
Jews were accused of desecrating the host and stealing church vessels. Joachim the Elector had thirty-eight Jews burned at the stake in the market place along with the real offender (a Christian). Another two accepted Christianity and were mercifully behe...
2013-07-19 07:37:02
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Címkék: Edgar Lee Masters, Spoon River-i, United States, President Roosevelt, German Army Group, Soepiori Island, Schouten Is, Ramvydas Valentukevicius, King Michael, Marshall Antonescu, Aguijan Island, Northern Mariana Islands, Finnish Navy, Mary Beth Hughes, Mary Elizabeth Hughes, óegyiptomi múmia, vitaminok önmagukban, korbácsos ember, érszűkület csökkent, agyba jelentősen, betegek 92%-ánál, tokotrienolok gátolják, koleszterin termelődését, kulcs enzimet, hundred operational, gaztett elkövetését, koleszterinszint, koponyacsontján, valentukevicius, lgxwansfhszuir, összefüggésben, tokotrienolok, installations, daclkxvdxwrfs, szívbetegség, tulajdonítja, christianity, termelődését, requirements, államügyész, ultrahangos, bombardment, provocation, desecrating, elkövetését, legendárium, brandenburg, operational, koleszterin, casualties, mercifully, jelentősen, sevastopol, önmagukban, óegyiptomi, császárnak, blokkolnak, authorised, undeclared, szeptember, történelmi, lenyomatát, érszűkület, vizsgálata, submarines, simferopol,
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