Els Pets - Pau
... comenar.

Pau te proves cada dia
de la pornografia que escampa
el mon neoliberal.

Pau hi ha cops que desespera
pera? sap que no hi ha treva
en un combat tan desigual.

Pau no as cap heroi,
no te vocacia?
de ser carn de santoral.

Pera? per dormir tranquil
ha de seguir.

Pau no espera des de la t...
2009-01-25 21:45:25
leterroristázták terrorista Li
... Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni had a testy press conference Friday in Washington, D.C., moments after she signed an agreement with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice meant to combat arms smuggling to Gaza.

By Natasha Mozgovaya


From the starting moments of the press conference, Livni was beset by a less-than friendly barrage of q...
2009-01-17 11:24:55
Romy Schneider
... Katja, die ungekrönte Kaiserin (Katja) - Robert Siodmak
1959: Plein soleil (Ragyogó napfény) - René Clément
1961: Boccaccio '70 - Luchino Visconti
1961: Le Combat dans l'Ile (Harc a szigeten) - Alain Cavalier
1962: The Trial (A per) - Orson Welles
1962: The Victors (A győztesek) - Carl Foreman
1963: The Cardinal (A ...
2008-11-10 08:29:57
akt naptárral
Angol katonafeleségek az angol Help for Heroesés Combat Stress mozgalmak aktivistájaként olyan katonák utókezelésére gyűjtenek pénzt, akik a frontot megjárva szenvedtek tartós pszichés károsodásokat. Sarah Bennett Thruston és társnői a szokásos jótékonysági események szervezését, tombolaversenyt és sütiárusítást azonban nem érezték kellően figyelemfelkeltőnek, ezért úgy döntöttek,...
2008-11-07 07:32:32
Best Games of All Time (Back in Time)
... (Playstation) Dead or Alive (Arcade) Crash Bandicoot (Playstation) NiGHTS Into Dream (Saturn) Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64) Quake (PC) Diablo (PC) Tomb Raider (Playstation) Duke Nukem 3D (PC) Ace Combat (Playstation) Street Fighter Alpha (Playstation) WipEout (Playstation) Discworld (PC Playstation) Tekken (Playstation) Ridge Racer (Playstation) Virtua Fighter (Saturn) Daytona USA ...
2008-08-08 20:47:24
Túlnépesedés ellen
... van alapozva, aszerint működik és azzal manipulál minket.

Az írás beküldője a következő anyagra hivatkozik: - Government Report: Bio-Weapons Could Be Used To Combat Overpopulation MoD dossier outlines nightmare vision of new world order, ethnic cleansing, class warfare, brain chips by 2035 Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Monday, April 9, 2007
2008-08-07 00:42:58
Pápai himnuszok
... Signore,
Pace ai Fedeli, di Cristo nell'amore.
A Te veniamo, Angelico Pastore,
In Te vediamo il mite Redentore,
Erede Santo di vera e santa Fede;
Conforto e vanto a chi combatte e crede,
Non prevarranno la forza ed il terrore,
Ma regneranno la Verità, l'Amore.

2) A hivatalos Pápai Himnusz Mons. Lavagna-féle latin szövege...
2008-08-04 11:48:39
How not to Refuel..
... production started by mid-1986, with the first examples delivered to the Italian and Brazilian air forces in 1989. Since then, some 200 AMXs have been built.Italian AMX squadrons flew 252 combat sorties over Kosovo as part of Operation Allied Force, without a single loss.Italian AMX aircraft were used in 1999 in the Kosovo war. Instead using unguided or more traditional laser-guid...
2008-06-15 20:04:07
The Russian mysterious Ekranoplanes part
...(???????????) - Design bureau : (OKB) Alexe?ev - Nijni-Novgorod. Ultra-fast forces deployment and combat system. Features the Orlyonok and the Lun. In Russian.

Címkék: Ekranoplane, Ekranoplan, airforce, navy, Russian

Hossz: 00:06:30
2008-05-21 02:09:53
Fiat C42
... part in air operations until the end of 1943 and was built in greater numbers than any other Italian Second World War fighter.This immensely strong and very manoeuvrable fighter first saw combat in the brief two week campaign over Southern France. Light losses against the French gave the Italians a mistaken impression that their tactics and aircraft were highly effective.National ...
2008-05-17 21:54:19
1 2 3 ..10 11 .15 16 19 20 21 
Címkék: Romy Schneider, Best Games, Fiat C42, Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, State Condoleezza Rice, Natasha Mozgovaya, Robert Siodmak, René Clément, Luchino Visconti, Alain Cavalier, Orson Welles, Carl Foreman, Heroesés Combat Stress, Sarah Bennett Thruston, Crash Bandicoot, NiGHTS Into Dream, Super Mario, Tomb Raider, Duke Nukem, Street Fighter Alpha, Ridge Racer, Virtua Fighter, Daytona USA, Government Report, Bio-Weapons Could Be Used To Combat Overpopulation MoD, Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Monday, Angelico Pastore, Erede Santo, Pápai Himnusz Mons, Italian AMX, Operation Allied Force, Italian Second World War, Southern France, testy press, less-than friendly, angol Help, frontot megjárva, szokásos jótékonysági, írás beküldője, következő anyagra, hivatalos Pápai, single loss, mistaken impression, leterroristázták, aktivistájaként, katonafeleségek, tombolaversenyt, overpopulation, károsodásokat, sütiárusítást, utókezelésére, manoeuvrable, túlnépesedés, ekranoplanes, jótékonysági, prisonplanet,
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