Wolfgang Schäuble: datorită curajului maghiarilor în 1989 a început un nou capitol al istoriei
... înfăptuirea apărării graniţei "este una din cele mai importante sarcini europene".
Despre starea actuală a relaţiilor maghiaro-germane a remarcat: "trebuie să lucrăm în permanenţă ca discrepanţele dintre viziunile politice să nu sape noi şanţuri între noi, ca să putem lucra împreună la chestiuni pe care le putem soluţiona bine doar împreună".
Problemele secolului XXI, de...
2019-09-17 12:52:05 Întreprinderile româneşti de procesare a laptelui preferă importurile din Ungaria
... portal deputatul Csaba Sebestyén, preşedintele Asociaţiei Agricultorilor Maghiari din România.
Deşi, în ultimii ani, a crescut uşor exportul de lapte şi cel al produselor lactate, discrepanţa dintre import şi export este considerabilă. Anul trecut valoarea importului a fost de 97,3 milioane de euro, iar România a exportat doar în valoare de 31,2 milioane de euro. Conform date...
2017-12-11 13:52:43
Ez történt ma
... Turner

*Lana Turner was born Julia Jean Mildred Francis Turner in Wallace, Idaho. There is some discrepancy as to whether her birth date is February 8, 1920 or 1921. Lana herself said in her autobiography that she was one year younger (1921) than the recor...
2014-01-29 21:04:34
Ez történt - Július 29.-én
*Lana Turner was born Julia Jean Mildred Francis Turner in Wallace, Idaho. There is some discrepancy as to whether her birth date is February 8, 1920 or 1921. Lana herself said in her autobiography that she was one yea...
2013-07-29 07:55:28
Ez történt - Január 29.-én

*Lana Turner was born Julia Jean Mildred Francis Turner in Wallace, Idaho. There is some discrepancy as to whether her birth date is February 8, 1920 or 1921. Lana herself said in her autobiography that she was one year younger (1921) than the records showed, bu...
2013-01-29 06:55:11
Ez történt - Július 29.-én
*Lana Turner was born Julia Jean Mildred Francis Turner in Wallace, Idaho. There is some discrepancy as to whether her birth date is February 8, 1920 or 1921. Lana herself said in her autobiography that she was one yea...
2012-07-29 08:12:30
Ez történt - Január 29.-én
... Turner

*Lana Turner was born Julia Jean Mildred Francis Turner in Wallace, Idaho. There is some discrepancy as to whether her birth date is February 8, 1920 or 1921. Lana herself said in her autobiography that she was one year younger (1921) than the records showed, but then this was a time whe...
2012-01-29 09:09:14
Címkék: Wolfgang Schäuble, Csaba Sebestyén, Asociaţiei Agricultorilor Maghiari, Julia Jean Mildred Francis Turner, laptelui preferă, relaţiilor maghiaro-germane, crescut uşor, exportat doar, agricultorilor, ntreprinderile, autobiography, considerabil, discrepancy, maghiarilor, importurile, lanaturner, importante, produselor, imageshack, renditions, importului, problemele, discrepan, procesare, deputatul, photoshop, viziunile, curajului, sebestyén, secolului, chestiuni, february, permanen, milioane, europene, laptelui, maghiaro, valoarea, remarcat, istoriei, maghiari, edintele, exportul, exportat, accounts, wolfgang, politice, herself, mildred, francis, younger, történt, wallace, whether, ungaria, records, crescut, lactate, valoare, conform, ultimii, trebuie, germane, datorit, sarcini, capitol, ptuirea, trecut, export, január, assets,
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