A svédek elhallgatott népirtása

POLITICO : reconciliation-process-sweden-minori ty-multiculturalism-human-rights-dis crimination/

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2016-01-11 18:41:34
Apa és anya, vagy azonos nemű szülők ?
... szükségük első sorban.

Nemrégiben az ENSZ Gyermekalapja (UNICEF) hivatalos állásfoglalást adott ki a "szexuális orientációról és nemi identitásról" ("Eliminating discrimination against children and parents based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity"), amelyben hivatalosan támogatja az azonos nemű párok "szülőként" való elismerését, továbbá sürgeti az...
2015-01-07 21:30:43
Ez történt - Október 10.-én
The Jewish community, which relied heavily on contributions, had to retrench, cutting back on essential services to orphanages, synagogues and schools. Discrimination in the form of job rejections became commonplace. The Depression led to a hiatus in immigration to the USA and pressure on the government to apply immigration quotas. The Depression was wor...
2013-10-10 09:16:56
Ez történt - Július 12.-én
... a szabadság legnagyobb ellenségei".

1873 July 12, PERSIA
Shah Nasr-ed-Din and Adolphe Cremieux met to discuss the problems of oppressive social and economic discrimination against the Jews. The Shah agreed to encourage Jewish schools, and work to improve the Jewish condition. Unfortunately, despite his intentions, the government did little to prevent attacks a...
2013-07-12 09:25:02
Ez történt - Július 3.-án
... Jews, including serving in public positions. By April 16, 1871, this became Imperial Law and was extended to the entire empire. Although later reaction revoked most of this freedom, discrimination never returned to the level existing in the Middle Ages - until the rise of Hitler.

1681. július 3. A pozsonyi országgyűlésen a katolikusok és a protestánsok kölcsönösen egym...
2013-07-03 12:16:24
Ez történt - Június 30.-án
... himself set light to the quemadero (burning place). His successor, Philip V, refused the "honor".

1838 June 30, SWEDEN
The Swedish government passed a law abolishing discrimination against Jews. Unfortunately, this law was repealed due to public objections. Another 30 years were to pass before Jews were given the right to vote.

1927 June 30, HENRY FOR...
2013-06-30 09:33:59
Ez történt - Június 5.-én
... office. Pope Nicholas V condemned the decision, claiming that all Catholics "constitute one body".

1849 June 5, DENMARK
Article 84 of the new constitution negated discrimination against "any person on the basis of religious grounds." The Jews originally received the rights of citizenship in 1814.

1919. június 5. Kivégzik Eugen Levinét, a bajor tanácsk...
2013-06-05 05:36:30
Ez történt - Május 19.-én
... land ownership. This was part of his policy to cast blame on the Jews (rather then on the Polish nobles) for the exploitation of the peasants.

Discrimination against Jews began in what is now City College of New York.

1940: General Gamelin is replaced by...
2013-05-19 09:55:13
Ez történt - Október 20.-án
... acquisition by Jews and slowing Jewish immigration. Weizmann, who had always toed a pro-British line, resigned in protest.

1937 October 20, POLAND
In response to discrimination policies, Jews, assorted liberals and students went on strike. Within a few weeks the government succeeded in putting down the strike and enforcing its decrees.

Bendix Ad - Oct...
2012-10-20 07:03:42
Ez történt - Október 10.-én
The Jewish community, which relied heavily on contributions, had to retrench, cutting back on essential services to orphanages, synagogues and schools. Discrimination in the form of job rejections became commonplace. The Depression led to a hiatus in immigration to the USA and pressure on the government to apply immigration quotas. The Depression was wor...
2012-10-10 06:03:22
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Címkék: ENSZ Gyermekalapja, STOCK EXCHANGE, Shah Nasr-ed-Din, Adolphe Cremieux, Imperial Law, Middle Ages, Philip, HENRY FOR, Pope Nicholas, Kivégzik Eugen Levinét, City College, General Gamelin, Bendix Ad, svédek elhallgatott, azonos nemű, szabadság legnagyobb, pozsonyi országgyűlésen, protestánsok kölcsönösen, bajor tanácsk, pro-British line, multiculturalism, discrimination, állásfoglalást, országgyűlésen, reconciliation, orientációról, contributions, unfortunately, gyermekalapja, exploitation, constitution, protestánsok, identitásról, elhallgatott, immigration, orientation, katolikusok, citizenship, hivatalosan, lovasistvan, eliminating, elismerését, commonplace, kölcsönösen, acquisition, abolishing, depression, synagogues, ellenségei, government, legnagyobb, objections, oppressive, intentions, nemrégiben, rejections, orphanages, constitute, washsquare, originally, szexuális, succeeded, encourage, condition, community, portfolio, szabadság, enforcing, szülőként, essential, szükségük,
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