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2017-11-22 20:46:58
Tudni illik... Hungarikumok
... Heritage
Kalman Tihanyi's 1926 Patent Application ,,Radioskop"
The television system, which in the wake of the publication of Kalman
Tihanyi's French and British patents of 1928 priority gave new direction to
television development, is recognized by historiography as one of the great
inventions of the 20th century. This invention, the last of ...
2015-04-16 14:41:28
2014. január 1-én.
... igénylik a segélyeket, ezért ők is beállnak a sorba teszi hozzá.

A Daily Mail riportere megkérdezte a nagy-britanniai letelepedéssel kapcsolatban a románoknak tanácsokkal szolgáló Priority Point nevű céget arról, hogy tudnak-e segíteni egy papírokkal nem rendelkező, kétgyermekes nőnek a juttatások megszerzésében. És láss csodát: tudnak. Mint a cég munkatársa elmagyarázt...
2014-01-04 18:55:35
Ez történt - November 1. -én
... Although many of their constituents were already helped by the JDC, they claimed that since the rabbis and students constituted the spiritual elite of the Jewish people, they deserved priority.

Major Henry Iwanski, a Polish officer, met with Lieut. David Appelbaum, Henryk Lifszyc, Kalman Mendelson and Yeh...
2013-11-01 22:21:27
Szoftvert keresek (szoftveres raid0), tudsz segíteni?
... detects the right type and size or the array as well as the order of the disks automatically. Anyone can recover broken RAID arrays with Raid Recovery!

Raid Recovery gives top priority to your data, allowing you to recover and back up all files from the corrupted array before attempting to fix it. You can store the files on another hard disk or partition, use a recorda...
2013-08-26 15:53:45
Ez történt - Augusztus 23.-án
... Elbrus, the highest peak in the Caucasus. This marks the 'high water' mark in the German attempts to secure the Black Sea coastline. Matters for Army Group A were not helped by the increased priority given to Army Group B in its fight for Stalingrad.

1939. augusztus 23. ,,Zavar bennünket a sajtónkban, a rádióban és a filmiparban tapasztalható zsidó befolyás mértéke...
2013-08-23 07:10:25
Ez történt - Július 7.-én
... European nations went to war.

1943: Off the coast of Brazil, U-185 (Kptlt. Maus) sinks 3 merchant ships.

1943: Adolf Hitler makes the V-2 missile program a top priority in armament planning.

1943: The German forces engaged at Kursk are still unable to achieve a major breakthrough in the face of stiffening Soviet resistance, which is reinforced b...
2013-07-07 08:13:41
Ez történt - Június 6.-án

Irene Manning is not known to be related to the late opera singer Clifford Harvuot.

The musical stage took priority in the second half of the 1940s with "The Day Before Spring" on Broadway and b...
2013-06-06 10:15:23
Tudni illik... Hungarikumok.
... Tihanyi's 1926 Patent Application ,,Radioskop"
The television system, which in the wake of the publication of Kalman
Tihanyi's French and British patents of 1928 priority gave new direction to
television development, is recognized by historiography as one of the great
inventions of the 20th century. This invention, the last of the three "...
2013-05-06 16:51:01
Ez történt - Április 30.-án
... demanded a more aggressive policy toward the British, believing that only world-wide pressure would force the British to abide by the Mandate. The revisionists believed that the highest priority of the Zionist movement should be in bringing the greatest number of Jews to Eretz Israel in the shortest possible time.

1940 April 30, LODZ GHETTO (Poland)
Was surrounde...
2013-04-30 09:14:19
1 2 3 4 
Címkék: Kalman Tihanyi, Patent Application, Daily Mail, Priority Point, JEWISH MILITARY ORGANIZATION, Major Henry Iwanski, David Appelbaum, Henryk Lifszyc, Kalman Mendelson, Raid Recovery, Black Sea, Army Group, Adolf Hitler, Irene Manning, Clifford Harvuot, Before Spring, Eretz Israel, LODZ GHETTO, sorba teszi, nagy-britanniai letelepedéssel, románoknak tanácsokkal, juttatások megszerzésében, filmiparban tapasztalható, major breakthrough, more aggressive, letelepedéssel, megszerzésében, historiography, tapasztalható, automatically, hungarikumok, organization, revisionists, constituents, breakthrough, kétgyermekes, kapcsolatban, development, publication, megkérdezte, application, constituted, filmiparban, tanácsokkal, elmagyarázt, television, reinforced, munkatársa, resistance, juttatások, stiffening, papírokkal, inventions, recognized, románoknak, britanniai, segélyeket, szoftveres, aggressive, rendelkező, renditions, stalingrad, attempting, sajtónkban, bennünket, partition, believing, direction, coastline, augusztus, szoftvert,
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