Oficial ungar: avem nevoie de elaborarea unei reglementări europene privind protecţia minorităţilor naţionale a
... protecţiei identităţii este necesară să se garanteze drepturile individuale şi colective în acelaşi timp; în sfârşit, minorităţile naţionale care trăiesc pe teritoriul unui stat sunt factori constituenţi ai statului respectiv.
Însărcinatul ministrului a arătat că 10% din populaţia Europei trăieşte ca minoritate naţională, această populaţie corespunde ca număr cu cea a Spaniei...
2020-07-10 19:02:42
Forumul Aleşilor Maghiari din Bazinul Carpatic - Apel la ocrotirea dreptului la identitatea naţională
... pentru toate comunităţile naţionale autohtone care trăiesc pe teritoriul acestor state. Aidoma soluţiei adoptate în cadrul legii fundamentale a Ungariei, statutul juridic de naţiune constituentă să fie acordat, pe lângă comunităţile naţionale majoritare, şi comunităţilor naţionale autohtone, minoritare numeric, iar acest statut juridic să fie precizat în constituţia statului respe...
2020-05-28 18:33:10
Viceprim-ministru ungar: naţionalităţile autohtone sunt părţi inseparabile ale naţiunii ungare
Viceprim-ministrul responsabil şi de problema naţionalităţilor a subliniat: legea fundamentală a Ungariei stipulează că naţionalităţile autohtone sunt factori constituenţi ai statului şi fac parte integrantă din naţiunea politică ungară. "Aşa cum maghiarii de peste hotare sunt părţi inseparabile ale naţiunii ungare, tot aşa de inseparabile sunt şi naţionalităţile autohtone" -...
2019-12-17 15:31:35
Corbyn szerencsétlenkedése
... Emily T...
2017-06-09 17:19:32
Gyömbérrel és az emésztőrendszeri daganatok ellen
... számos hatással bírnak, szabályozzák a génexpressziót, antioxidáns enzimekben gazdagok (SOD, GSH, glutation peroxidase).

Egy 2015-ben publikált tanulmány (Ginger and Its Constituents: Role in Prevention and Treatment of Gastrointestinal Cancer) az alábbi következtetéseket vonta le a gyömbérrel kapcsolatban.

A gyömbér egészségre gyakorolt jótékony hatás...
2016-05-05 09:29:13
Gyömbérrel és az emésztőrendszeri daganatok ellen
... számos hatással bírnak, szabályozzák a génexpressziót, antioxidáns enzimekben gazdagok (SOD, GSH, glutation peroxidase).

Egy 2015-ben publikált tanulmány (Ginger and Its Constituents: Role in Prevention and Treatment of Gastrointestinal Cancer) az alábbi következtetéseket vonta le a gyömbérrel kapcsolatban.

A gyömbér egészségre gyakorolt jótékony hatás...
2016-05-02 21:58:36
Ez történt - November 1. -én
... emergency visas (over 500 were sent to Shanghai.) They used an exemption from the U.S. immigration quotas which allowed entry to ministers or religious students. Although many of their constituents were already helped by the JDC, they claimed that since the rabbis and students constituted the spiritual elite of the Jewish people, they deserved priority.

1939 November, ...
2013-11-01 22:21:27
Ez történt - Július 14.-én
Fall of the Bastille. Jews viewed the fall of Bastille as a triumph although by and large they were not allowed to participate in the election of the Estates-General which became the Constituent National Assembly. Many of them enlisted in the National Guard. At the same time, more then 1000 Jews in Alsace were forced to flee during the Agrarian revolt there.

2013-07-14 09:21:58
Ez történt - November 1. -én
... emergency visas (over 500 were sent to Shanghai.) They used an exemption from the U.S. immigration quotas which allowed entry to ministers or religious students. Although many of their constituents were already helped by the JDC, they claimed that since the rabbis and students constituted the spiritual elite of the Jewish people, they deserved priority.

1939 November, ...
2012-11-01 05:29:48
Ez történt - Július 14.-én
Fall of the Bastille. Jews viewed the fall of Bastille as a triumph although by and large they were not allowed to participate in the election of the Estates-General which became the Constituent National Assembly. Many of them enlisted in the National Guard. At the same time, more then 1000 Jews in Alsace were forced to flee during the Agrarian revolt there.

2012-07-14 06:15:28
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Címkék: Forumul Aleşilor Maghiari, Bazinul Carpatic, Emily, Gastrointestinal Cancer, Constituent National Assembly, National Guard, emésztőrendszeri daganatok, 2015-ben publikált, alábbi következtetéseket, gyömbérrel kapcsolatban, gyömbér egészségre, triumph although, emésztőrendszeri, gastrointestinal, génexpressziót, fundamentale, constituents, inseparabile, szabályozzák, kapcsolatban, identitatea, constituent, ministrului, individuale, constituted, participate, fundamental, immigration, antioxidáns, responsabil, enzimekben, gyömbérrel, prevention, egészségre, drepturile, elaborarea, peroxidase, minoritare, corespunde, majoritare, teritoriul, minoritate, constituen, colective, glutation, stipuleaz, daganatok, subliniat, spiritual, garanteze, autohtone, treatment, tanulmány, publikált, ministers, respectiv, maghiarii, dreptului, ocrotirea, integrant, gyakorolt, ministrul, reglement, religious, emergency, exemption, ungariei, statului, ministru, although, agrarian,
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