Ez történt - Szeptember 23.-án
... Madagascar.

1942: Wendell Willkie, 1940 Republican presidential candidate, confers with Stalin and calls for a second front at the earliest possible moment.

1942: Soviet counterattacks to dislodge German advance units near the Volga landing stage are unsuccessful.

2013-09-23 11:00:10
Ez történt - Szeptember 16- án
Ez történt - Szeptember 16.-án

Szeptember 16.

253. szeptember 16. Meghal Szent Cornélius pápa. A katolikus egyház szerint lefejezték, és ezért az egyház mártírrá avatta, valójában természetes halállal halt meg, akárcsak elődje, Szent Fabianus pápa, akit az egyház szintén mártírrá nyilvánított, szintén hamisan. A katolikus egyház a hamisítások legrége...
2013-09-16 17:44:03
Ez történt - Szeptember 16.-án
... to death in broad daylight on the Etoile in Paris. Fifty Frenchmen are taken hostage and executed by the Nazis in reprisal.

1943: British occupy Leros in Aegean. German counterattacks against the U.S. bridgehead at Salerno are halted. Tito's partisans are reported to have captured Split on Yugoslavia coast.

1943 September 16, GOLDMANN PLAN (USA)
2013-09-16 10:22:18
Ez történt - Szeptember 5.-én
... Japanese troops.

1944: Germany launches its first V-2 missile at Paris, France.

1944: The Russians declare war on Bulgaria.

1944: A German-Hungarian counterattack in the area of Klausenburg in Romania fails.

1944: The U.S. 3rd Army crosses the Meuse as the British reach Ghent.

2013-09-05 09:04:58
Ez történt - Augusztus 27.-én
... a cease-fire.

1941: The Prime Minister of Japan, Fumimaro Konoye, issues an invitation for a meeting with President Roosevelt.

1942: The Red Army launches counterattacks from the Leningrad pocket against Schluesselburg and the Volkhov front, while the Red Army's offensive on the Moscow front continues. Zhukov is appointed Stalin's First Deputy Commissar for...
2013-08-27 09:07:01
Ez történt - Augusztus 19.-én
... ships and 9 escorts in the Atlantic Ocean.

1941: South of Lake Illmen, the Soviet 38th Army is close to outflanking the German 10th Corps, but the German 56th Panzer Corps counterattacks the Soviets and rolls through their positions.

1941: A brigade of the 9th Australian Division which is besieged at Tobruk is relieved by sea, as Polish reinforcements arriv...
2013-08-19 09:46:37
Ez történt - Augusztus 12.-én
... full French collaboration with Nazi Germany.

1941: Hitler issues Directive No.34 which temporarily abandons Moscow as an objective in favour of the Ukraine. Soviet forces counterattack at Staraya Russa south of Lake Ilmen.

1942: Himmler is made responsible for order in Belgium, Holland, Denmark and Norway.

1942: In their advance south toward the...
2013-08-12 10:03:35
Ez történt - Június 25.-én
... Talmud on the grounds that it was anti-Christian. A debate ensued with Rabbi Yehiel of Paris and three other Rabbis speaking in defense of the Talmud. Rabbi Yehiel wasn't allowed to counterattack or take the offensive in his argument.

1535. június 25. A katolikus püspökök és a protestáns uralkodók ,,szent" szövetsége elfoglalja Münstert, az anabaptisták fővárosát. A mo...
2013-06-25 09:22:07
Ez történt - Június 10.-én

1944: German counterattacks against Allie...
2013-06-10 09:19:58
Ez történt - Április 27.-én
... The 2nd Belorussian front advances in Pomerania seizes Prenzlau and Angermunde, 70 miles northwest of Berlin. The German 9th Army tries to reach Berlin from the southeast and even counterattacks at Zossen. The German 20th Army does the same Southeast of Belzig. The German High command confesses that the last German forces in Pillau, East Prussia have surrendered.

2013-04-27 08:11:56
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Címkék: Wendell Willkie, Meghal Szent Cornélius, Szent Fabianus, Fifty Frenchmen, GOLDMANN PLAN, Prime Minister, Fumimaro Konoye, President Roosevelt, First Deputy Commissar, Atlantic Ocean, Lake Illmen, Panzer Corps, Australian Division, Nazi Germany, Directive No, Staraya Russa, Lake Ilmen, Rabbi Yehiel, German High, East Prussia, second front, katolikus egyház, egyház mártírrá, egyház szintén, hamisítások legrége, meeting with, debate ensued, katolikus püspökök, protestáns uralkodók, anabaptisták fővárosát, reinforcements, counterattacks, schluesselburg, counterattack, collaboration, anabaptisták, unsuccessful, nyilvánított, presidential, surrendered, természetes, temporarily, klausenburg, outflanking, belorussian, responsible, hamisítások, angermunde, szeptember, madagascar, republican, bridgehead, yugoslavia, protestáns, renditions, lefejezték, invitation, australian, szövetsége, elfoglalja, frenchmen, positions, katolikus, christian, leningrad, president, southeast, september, augusztus, photoshop, appointed,
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