VOLT Fesztivál - Moby volt a soproni éjszaka sztárja
... idézte fel a "magyar kapcsolatokat" meglepően élesen az amerikai művész.
A Gót Sopronban is eljátszotta Moby (eredeti nevén Richard Melville Hall), és nemrég megjelent új albuma, a Destroyed számai mellett olyan más, a közönség által várt nagy slágereket is előadott az elmúlt két évtized terméséből, mint a Natural Blues vagy a Raining Again.
Mint elmondta, amikor turnén ...
2011-07-02 11:04:57
Ez történt - Június 22.-én
... ennek ellenére élete végéig az egyház foglya maradt. (Vö. 1616. február 25.; 1979. november 10.; 1983. május 11.)

1689 June 22, PRAGUE (Bohemia)
The Jewish quarter was destroyed by French troops who shelled the area. In one synagogue the roof caved in, killing the 100 people who had sought refuge there. Most of the population was taken in by their Christian neighb...
2011-06-22 05:55:21
Ez történt - Június 17.-én
... Jews survived.

1946 June 17, NIGHT OF THE BRIDGES (Eretz Israel)
In a coordinated effort by the Haganah, eleven bridges linking Eretz-Israel to other countries were destroyed. North of Acre, 14 of the fighters died. Kibbutz Gesher Haziv was established in their memory. The British reaction came 12 days later on what would become known as Black Sabbath, with mass...
2011-06-17 06:04:36
Ez történt - Június 10.-én
... join them. The Jews were even more hated than the Poles and were massacred in almost every town. In the ten tumultuous years that followed, over seven hundred Jewish communities were destroyed and between 100,000-500,000 Jews lost their lives. This helped give rise to the messianic movement which soon followed.

1648. június 10. Az oroszországi Nemirov városának lakói l...
2011-06-10 07:40:30
Ez történt - Június 9.-én
... founder of the Palestine Electric Company. Located near where the Yarmuk and Jordan rivers meet, it regulated the flow from the Sea of Galilee through a dam and a power station. It was destroyed by the Jordanians in 1948.

1944. június 9. Szenes Hanna költő, magyar zsidó ejtőernyős, elkötelezett cionista, Izrael nemzeti hőse, a hazaszeretet szimbóluma, akiről Erecben ut...
2011-06-09 05:42:25
Ez történt - Június 6.-án
... into attacking the Jewish quarter. The campaign soon spread throughout Spain, except for Granada. The Jewish quarter in Barcelona, located for over 400 years near the castle, was totally destroyed. Over 10,000 Jews were killed, and many others chose conversion and became New Christians or Conversos. Of these, many continued to practice Judaism in secret while paying lip service to...
2011-06-06 06:14:34
Ez történt - Június 1.-én
... erupted under the corrupt rule of Gallus, brother-in-law of Constantius II. Beginning in Sepphoris under Patricius, it spread to Tiberias, and Lod. Many towns including the above were destroyed, and with them the talmudic academies. This blow resulted in the further weakening of the centers of Jewish learning in Eretz Israel.

Conquered by Justinian's ge...
2011-06-01 06:23:46
Ez történt - Május 29.-én
... homes for the weekend and the fire services of the town, in their first raid, were not able to control the fires. Approximately 1000 acres, possibly 80% of Barmen's built up area, was destroyed by fire. 5 out of the town's 6 largest factories, 211 other industrial premises and nearly 4,000 houses were completely destroyed. The number of buildings classed as seriously damaged, 71 i...
2011-05-29 06:21:20
Ez történt - Május 27.-én
... was remorseful of his act, killed his daughters and burned his own house. He and Uriah went to the local synagogue, locked themselves in and burned it down. A large part of the city was destroyed.

1234. május 27. A németországi Altenesch mellett lemészárolnak több ezer stedingi parasztot: férfiakat, nőket és gyermekeket, mert nem voltak hajlandók fizetni a nyomasztó eg...
2011-05-27 05:45:28
Saudades de vocé..
... day.
You think I have nothing
Without you by my side,
You'll see
Somehow, some way

You think that I can never laugh again
You'll see,
You think that you destroyed my faith in love.
You think after all you've done
I'll never find my way back home,
You'll see
Somehow, someday


All by myself...
2011-05-20 14:42:46
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Címkék: VOLT Fesztivál, Richard Melville Hall, Natural Blues, Raining Again, NIGHT OF THE BRIDGES, Eretz Israel, Kibbutz Gesher Haziv, Black Sabbath, Palestine Electric Company, Szenes Hanna, Constantius II, soproni éjszaka, amerikai művész, közönség által, egyház foglya, coordinated effort, oroszországi Nemirov, power station, hazaszeretet szimbóluma, large part, németországi Altenesch, lemészárolnak, kapcsolatokat, approximately, elkötelezett, oroszországi, németországi, hazaszeretet, communities, constantius, established, coordinated, gyermekeket, eljátszotta, population, ejtőernyős, terméséből, szimbóluma, remorseful, conversion, tumultuous, christians, throughout, themselves, industrial, jordanians, slágereket, completely, daughters, destroyed, conversos, altenesch, sopronban, megjelent, synagogue, seriously, weakening, factories, conquered, justinian, palestine, christian, academies, buildings, beginning, sepphoris, including, patricius, countries, continued, regulated,
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