... breakdowns.

Initially the transition to the breakdown was an abrupt absence of most of the arrangement in a disco record as described above. Hi-NRG records would typically use a pronounced percussive element, such as a drum fill, to cover the transition, and later genres reach the breakdown section by a gradual reduction of elements.

In all genres, the stripp...
2019-01-29 08:58:07
Meghalt Ed King, a Lynyrd Skynyrd egykori gitárosa
... 1972-ben csatlakozott. A zenekar a blues, a country és a folk elegyéből kialakított amerikai zenei stílus, a déli rock kiemelkedő képviselője volt. A banda 1973-ban megjelent első albuma, a Pronounced Leh-nerd Skin-nerd azonnal a southern rock alapvetései közé helyezte a héttagú együttest, amely háromgitáros felállásában és szövegvilágában is a déli, konzervatívnak nevezhető vonal...
2018-08-24 14:18:28
... Quartets')

(The Dry Salvages—presumably les trois sauvages—is a small

group of rocks, with a beacon, off the N.E. coast of Cape Ann,

Massachusetts. Salvages is pronounced to rhyme with assuages.

Groaner: a whistling buoy.)


I do not know much about gods; but I think that the river

Is a strong...
2013-10-06 13:27:39
Ez történt - Augusztus 16.-án
... Japanese on Corregidor on May 6, 1942, is released from a POW camp in Manchuria by U.S. troops.

Faith Domergue

*Born in New Orleans, Domergue (last name was properly pronounced "Dah-mure," but was often mispronounced "Dommer-gue) was adopted by Annabelle Quimet and Leo Domergue when she was six weeks old (she found out later in life that she was adopted and...
2013-08-16 08:18:14
Ez történt - Augusztus 14.-én
... Mindnyájunknak jobb, ha szétválunk", mondja Abraham Lincoln a Fehér Házban néger vezetők egy csoportjának (vö. 1858. július 17.; 1858. szeptember 18.).

1940: Air activity less pronounced, but Germans attack Southampton and Hastings; reported losses Germans 31, RAF 7.

1940: Ministry of Home Security announces that parachutes had been found in Derbyshire...
2013-08-14 09:16:22
Lynyrd Skynyrd: új album az amerikai déli rock mestereitől
... bizonyos Leonard Skinner, aki hadjáratot folytatott a hosszú hajú diákok ellen, emiatt maradt ki egy floridai intézményből Rossington.
A banda 1973-ban megjelent első albuma, a Pronounced Leh-nerd Skin-nerd rögtön a southern rock alapvetései közé helyezte a héttagú együttest, amely háromgitáros felállásában és szövegvilágában is a déli, konzervatívnak nevezhető vonalat erősít...
2012-09-17 14:56:51
Ez történt - Augusztus 16.-án
... Japanese on Corregidor on May 6, 1942, is released from a POW camp in Manchuria by U.S. troops.

Faith Domergue

*Born in New Orleans, Domergue (last name was properly pronounced "Dah-mure," but was often mispronounced "Dommer-gue) was adopted by Annabelle Quimet and Leo Domergue when she was six weeks old (she found out later in life that she was adopted and...
2012-08-16 10:20:50
Ez történt - Augusztus 14.-én
... Mindnyájunknak jobb, ha szétválunk", mondja Abraham Lincoln a Fehér Házban néger vezetők egy csoportjának (vö. 1858. július 17.; 1858. szeptember 18.).

1940: Air activity less pronounced, but Germans attack Southampton and Hastings; reported losses Germans 31, RAF 7.

1940: Ministry of Home Security announces that parachutes had been found in Derbyshire...
2012-08-14 08:27:00
princess diana
... Wales, and her then-paramour Dodi Al Fayed, the son of an Egyptian billionaire, collided with a pillar in the Alma Tunnel in central Paris. Al Fayed and the driver, Henri Paul, were pronounced dead at the scene. Diana was taken by ambulance to Pitié-Salpétrière Hospital, where she died a few hours later of cardiac arrest. Only Al Fayed's bodyguard survived the accident.
2011-12-08 12:53:00
Kristallnacht, Nuremberg Laws
... that right?

Goering: That is correct.

Mr. Justice Jackson: We now come to the cases of the killing of Jews, where proceedings were suspended or minor punishments pronounced. I will not go through those in detail, but it is a fact that only minor punishments were pronounced by the Supreme Court of the Party for the killing of Jews, were they not?

2011-11-05 10:12:53
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Címkék: Meghalt Ed King, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Nuremberg Laws, Pronounced Leh-nerd Skin-nerd, Cape Ann, Faith Domergue, Abraham Lincoln, Fehér Házban, Home Security, Leonard Skinner, Dodi Al Fayed, Alma Tunnel, Henri Paul, Only Al Fayed, Justice Jackson, Supreme Court, amerikai déli, disco record, pronounced percussive, drum fill, gradual reduction, folk elegyéből, déli rock, banda 1973-ban, southern rock, héttagú együttest, whistling buoy, hosszú hajú, floridai intézményből, fact that, szövegvilágában, konzervatívnak, mindnyájunknak, mispronounced, kristallnacht, massachusetts, felállásában, háromgitáros, csoportjának, intézményből, csatlakozott, southampton, punishments, arrangement, mestereitől, alapvetései, proceedings, kialakított, billionaire, képviselője, pronounced, derbyshire, folytatott, corregidor, hadjáratot, kiemelkedő, transition, presumably, szétválunk, parachutes, szeptember, percussive, breakdowns, rossington, augusztus, whistling, együttest, breakdown, nevezhető, reduction, announces,
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